Friday, July 31, 2009
Breasts Have Pink Capellaries
In an interview with Aladdin Morales, a journalist with 14 years of experience, we see how Web 2.0 tools are useful not only for journalistic work, but also for community. One of the most important to Aladdin, and the emphasis should be done is training and retraining in the use of these tools that facilitate the work of journalist and closer to the community. Acontinuación
we present this interview:
Interviewee: Aladdin Morales (Journalist of the National Assembly of Ecuador)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
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Orlando Pérez, Director of Communications at the National Assembly of Ecuador from October 28, 2008
O: Let's see, there are several, but the main institutional task is to develop all the information that the institution to which I must develop, ie the political tasks, legislative, administrative, through various tools and various procedures; the second task is, effectively, to organize the communication department, directing, and thirdly provide support and advice to the President of the Institution, in this case, the President of the Assembly as it was in Montecristi, and was now here in Quito.
Y: What is your opinion of Web 2.0 tools at work Communication Corporate?
O: is a tool ... but of Corporate Communication, Political Communication is in this case, an approach that allows direct, rapid, immediate interaction with the internet user. In this case for us, institutionally, is a very important tool 2.0, because with it we can send communications, have a much more fluid communication with the public, and also becomes a tool for two key functions in public institutions Ecuador and the world: one is the second is transparency and accountability.
Y: How far you think through the Internet one can have transparency and honesty?
O: Well, that depends greatly on the use made of it, as a technical tool is run by humans, and humans must have two basic conditions: one is the technical capacity to use and properly handle this tool, and the second is one thing and for the level of subjectivity is ethical, that is, if all documents and all information you upload to be true, use the obligation to do have much more revenue from the point of view of transparency and citizen participation.
Y: What do you think is the importance of feedback?
O: is very important because democracies have to be deepened, democracies are not only top-down, real democracy, effective, which is operated horizontally, and thus, we do require is that policy makers, public officials have the obligation to provide as much information so that citizens can make appropriate decisions.
Y: What is your commitment to the community at large to provide a better service through the website In this case, the Assembly?
O: Well we have the advantage of having these awards, this kind of thing that give us pride ... give us the thrill of having been awarded by the National Union of Journalists, by the Internet Society, the best place in ICT initiatives in Ecuador. There are prizes, are things that have given us a ... a stimulus for work we did in the most frank, honest, committed to community service.
O: In the House? We use, we have those, all networks, Facebook, Twitter, hi5, in all (...) Why? Because they are not an option, nor are they a ... something that we can serve time, no! Real things are already, and I for example, the day he fell plane, the plane crashed here ... behind the Hotel Quito I found out by Facebook, because a Facebook user was nearby, saw the explosion and went to Facebook that. So there are things that I'm going to find out more quickly through social networks by traditional media. The coup in Honduras occurred at five o'clock, no media was aware, on Facebook I was at half past six connected and I learned from Facebook's coup d'état. CNN, the traditional international news from the ten o'clock news began to do that, then if it is ... not an option, an alternative is a real condition with which we have to move media media, journalists, government officials, people in particular, with one exception, not all information flows in social networks is proven, has been verified, is that now, but is an alternate source not definitive, then we should not be taken as official.
And say one more thing, the President of the Assembly, Fernando Cordero, made many statements about the law of the Legislative Branch was not treated in time, that it was not a good debate, etc, etc. Not stopped the media ball, put it in the Facebook version and it came thousands of comments and thousands of views, ie the absence of an adequate response by the media, use an action as was the Facebook and many people learned a version that was not in the media.
Y: Do you think that Social Networks threatening ... journalism?
O: The competition starts at a very high level of competitiveness, and to a degree of rigor that has not been seen before, I'm currently reading such information on what the State has done business with Mr. Fabricio Correa, but all information that is on the web, is already on the web, then I do not need to wait until tomorrow because I read a newspaper the day before I can have on the web. So there's a problem, what content we market to attract readers or users of media, indeed, I would say that even now, (this can be an offensive thing for many journalists) Internet users, users of media are more prepared and are sometimes more knowledgeable than us journalists.
Social Networks are a great tool for consultation, information, debate, and above all movement of ideas, not the last word, then circulate ideas, comments, information, etc. I put on my blog an editorial published on Wednesday and told me five to ten people maximum, but if I put on Facebook, I have comments that are tripled.
So I think it's a big stage for the debate, the circulation of ideas as I say, but must also somehow be enriched by having a capacity to choose, not everything online is important, not everything that is put into ... cyberspace is consultation, there are many people who believe that wikipedia is maximum and is not true, we still have as a last resort go to the dictionary that is on the desktop, which is stored there, to see things. But anyway I think it's a mindset change, management of information processing that has to go, still not clear about the levels or the scope of the Internet.
Yolibell A. Vera Da Silva Maciel
Higher Diploma in Corporate Communication
UTPL - 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
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share with you this study on social networks and their importance in terms of positioning of companies in different audiences.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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then cite success stories of companies that have joined the world of Web 2.0.:
- Press
- 2.0 for D-LINK IBERIA: I think a page very complete, is a clear example of good use can be made of 2.0 tools to have more contact with the public and clients on this page are RSS feeds, access to blogs, youtube, flickr, set aside distribution information and web design is both attractive and orderly. I think this is a good example to follow and put into practice in the Catholic Radio website, especially the links to the various information generated by radio journalists. I feel great presentation of managers with photo and a link to his biography, so our visitors can learn more about the authorities of our business and deepen our goals. It is important for our audience to identify with the organization and what better way to get to know their representatives. Excellent page D-Link Iberia if it is a cabinet and not a simple online newsroom.
- GourmetStation. Blogging: Delicious Destinations : Although at first glance look like a typical blog, I think its contents gave me a great idea, is that as creating a magical world that is built into the radio, as well as cooking step step, we can describe certain radio production processes with photographs showing what our listeners are the stages that follow and as we get the final product including the audio after the sequence of pictures, or rather with a video, I think it would very attractive for anyone who is interested in the radio world and do not know much about.
- Kodak: Blogging: A Thousand Words : This blog caught my attention being able to rate the post, this is a good idea to evaluate our work, it would be interesting to put a score to audio notes produced by each reporter so you know if you're doing well, in a clear and the audience, This rating can and should be accompanied by a commentary explaining why the rating. This idea would represent identified that our listeners feel the product we offer and help us grow together: the institution and its public.
- Diageo - Baileys: Listen to your Lips : Needless to say, a spectacular Intro, super eye-catching and most importantly that controls access through the old clearly not as reliable as anyone can put a date to accredit as over 18 years, HOWEVER merit takes the use of flash technology, a very interesting test is proposed, I think that if something can be done like on the website of the radio, but of course related to the topic of Church and general culture, so it allows the user to know more about the topics covered in the institution and measure their knowledge eclecial, a real challenge for those who call themselves Catholic. Harley-Davidson
- : Blogging: Museum blog : Find thousands of super interesting ideas on this page, one of which is the virtual tour is being offered museum, and imagine a tour of the cabins virtual radio for people to know the instruments used in a radio station and become familiar with the work of the institution, another thing that caught my attention is to offer wallpapers, screen savers, with company logos or images related to the activity carried out by the company.
All these sites provide several guidelines that one can take a good model for institutional or corporate website to facilitate the business relationship - the user, and allow them to share and grow together through feedback. The dynamism in a web page is piorque important and attracting more to the public and it involves.
We invite you to know more success stories that can serve you in your place of work, as I discovered some that could be used in the page of my Institution (National Catholic Radio Ecuador).
Monday, July 20, 2009
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Octavio Rojas us to a cnn article . Com where print media owners are considering whether to charge readers for the information content they provide through their web portals , in order to "regain some of what they have reducing lost revenue advertising and the number of subscribers going down ".
this situation Rojas with other people, who think this is crazy we propose the following recommendations :
- Stop talking about Internet and technology as if the devil himself (there are terrible crimes, but are not caused by tools, but for the people)
- Add users (to meet and to offer relevant things that makes them stay with you)
- foregoes collaborators opposed to change (it's hard, but keep them is like trying to win the 100 meter dash with runners without legs)
- Promotes partners that will promote change (even help them to create their own brand)

This is really crazy, it's amazing how the big media companies be worth up technological progress and new forms of communication to suck every last penny to their customers. It is assumed that these communication alternatives that gives us the Internet and new technologies have been created or encouraged to facilitate access to information from anywhere in the world and if the big media companies abuse this way without a doubt the only ones affected will themselves, we must remember that the Internet has broken the barriers of distance, race, religion and language, and now some want to come put a price on what everyone has access now that's a madness.
Famu Application Online

"was better than wisdom is free, available to all, especially those who were willing to learn." (The fable of the spider - Jorge Bucay )
Sunday, July 12, 2009
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Hoyos presents 12 recommendations based on issues of functionality and processes in CRMs - both at the operational level, interactive and analytical, which ensures better performance of the CRM.
- have
- That is the cycle of customer relationship?
Friday, July 10, 2009
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The Press Office has changed its traditional structure (directed only to the journalist) due to constant technological advances that now promotes the use of tools that provide direct access and feedback. Miguel Angel Uriondo says in a comment made to post " media relations strategy and journalists 2.0" by Roberto Carreras' online press rooms are a great invention. Each agency should have an accessible and dump all graphic and press releases. All good organizadito, accessible and easy to share, so that I can link through the website the press release or hang the picture without having to upload to Google Docs or twitter. Which leads me to think why so few press releases incorporate links? ".
is clear that the Social Media revolution has changed the way of conceiving the structure of the communication area and especially the corporate and, in this and updating the basic and essential items that Newsroom (parete important organization) must have shared in Roberto Carreras your blog few:
- Search PR Contacts Press Releases
- Brief company information (background or boiler plate)
- Product Information / Press Kits Photo
- Audio Video
- Help / FAQ
- Crisis Communication Event Calendar
- Biographies of key executives / Organizational
- Register for media / bloggers
- financial information
- Chance to request form interviews through media coverage
- Social Media: access to major networks in which we operate
- Possibility to subscribe to content via RSS
- Corporate Blog Stream
- corporate account Twitter
- (update via Botet Veronica) Facilitate the user-content distribution of press releases, images ... - to other networks, using tools like ShareThis or Tell a friend
Monday, July 6, 2009
Quicksilverscreen Does Not Work On Wii
teach a seminar on Social Media and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in Mexico this coming July 28. This seminar will focus on how social media impacts the marketing, sales and customer service, the change represented by this tool in the corporate culture, and the conversion of passive to participatory client arrives to take charge of the relationship between the company and its public.
It seems very important to monitor this activity, since in the field that we operate everything related to web 2.0 tools is helpful.
The seminar will focus on 6 areas on Social Media and CRM:
- Discover
- media Social media and its tools, and learn to do and not do in social media
- Learn the who, what, where, when and why of Social Media - Who's to be successful in the world of social communications
- understand the mechanisms of measurement and analysis of the conversations
- What organizational structure needs to handle social media channels and
- Learn to take advantage of social channels with their CRM and Internet Marketing Strategy
- Social Media Explore how you can extend your reach into the Internet
look forward to sharing the results of this seminar from the blog of Jesus Hoyos.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Diabetes Type 1 And My Face Is Bright Red
Benito Castro, refers to an investigation by Yahoo Network on which confirms that the "information glut" on the web increasingly weakens the advertisement until it irrelevant.
I find extremely important to know how today people do not get carried away by both the public and whether the information generated in different parts of the world, although I do not think that is very helpful to know everything and anything by the abundance of information often contained in and other banal.
quote: "In this report, 66% of respondents said that it is affecting this information overload, and what is more representative, 88% rate over time than before, so that advertising that does not result relevant, is in danger of falling into oblivion. Finally this study, referred to the space Dircom says that 83% of respondents indicated that if you pay attention to advertising wants something in return, though Whether you just make you laugh or bring them something new. "
This theme is interesting, and also noted by Benedict, is the implementing maximum creativity to make advertisements do not get lost in the letters, that is the challenge that corporate communicators have to achieve posiciomamiento your brand on the market that is increasingly more saturated.
would be nice to hear from some of the reactions of companies that are losing ground by superflux of all kinds of information that invades the internet every day.
Although there is no doubt that the mainstream media act in a manner contrary: more advertising and less information, which is why almost nobody sees or hears ...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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Web 2.0 takes us into a world where communication moves from a mere distribution of information to a continuous exchange of experiences, ideas, proposals, from anywhere in the world who come together and generate new knowledge about the different issues juncture. One need not be a computer expert to use this tool, indeed, the same Internet gives you the adventure of exploring new subjects, meet people, build networks of common interest and learn more and more a little or a lot of everything imaginable. However, the experts on the topic of Social Media (or Web 2.0) as Miguel del Fresno of 2.0 Quran, quoted by Roberto Carrera offering 12 tips for the proper management and use of this space, then share with you some tips:
- Before participating, listen, learn and understand.
- Then join in the conversation, respond, interact. Share
- not dogmatic, co-creates and delivers value with generosity.
- is authentic, honest, do not look like a liar.
- not try to impose the content and unambiguous communication.
- not try to control the conversation, part of it.
- Use appropriate tone was sympathetic, sense of humor, grateful and always polite.
- Identify what to whom and how to provide value, then decide where.
- The value is information, knowledge, entertainment or do good.
- Experiment, test, takes small risks, it is a continuous learning, no year.
- There are no shortcuts: the fake, spam, and deception, are detected and are always punished.
- not forget that customers or users are people, all people are not mere consumers.