Octavio Rojas us to a cnn article . Com where print media owners are considering whether to charge readers for the information content they provide through their web portals , in order to "regain some of what they have reducing lost revenue advertising and the number of subscribers going down ".
this situation Rojas with other people, who think this is crazy we propose the following recommendations :
- Stop talking about Internet and technology as if the devil himself (there are terrible crimes, but are not caused by tools, but for the people)
- Add users (to meet and to offer relevant things that makes them stay with you)
- foregoes collaborators opposed to change (it's hard, but keep them is like trying to win the 100 meter dash with runners without legs)
- Promotes partners that will promote change (even help them to create their own brand)

This is really crazy, it's amazing how the big media companies be worth up technological progress and new forms of communication to suck every last penny to their customers. It is assumed that these communication alternatives that gives us the Internet and new technologies have been created or encouraged to facilitate access to information from anywhere in the world and if the big media companies abuse this way without a doubt the only ones affected will themselves, we must remember that the Internet has broken the barriers of distance, race, religion and language, and now some want to come put a price on what everyone has access now that's a madness.
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