Friday, October 22, 2010

Cervix Feels High And Soft Before Period Is Due

Carpe Diem left side pa'otro

I moved
and now I'm in
See you there!

Blogspot Many thanks to four years of hospitality.

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Facta non verba: Arzu, the scourge of the economy

We thought that politics should subject to the economy and now we realize that it is the reverse ; said Mayor of the Palace and god of the wolf, Alvaro Arzu by threatening to return to national politics.

What you may not remember the Chief Edil is that during his presidency, the economy was so subject to political whims, which maintained the very high lending rates , they walked in an average of 19.37%, having reached 22.4%. This and politically mobilized capital is always scarce in the real economy to the economy of paper and created a pyramid investment papers, concluded in the bankruptcy that affected many small savers and investors.

certainly not known, the Head of City Hall, that the economy has a direct bearing on the meaning and significance of human actions which are then ratios and have purpose. The economy has to do with the media that people choose to achieve their ends, these people selected according to their value judgments. If one assumes that the purposes they serve the people and the means chosen to achieve those purposes have to be subjected to political power, have you afraid, be very afraid.

If Arzu come true that with which is threatening, in the sense that the economy must be subject to politics, would not be acting differently to Los Colom who wanted a central bank for social, precisely the economy is subject to politics.

So as a joke, people think Arzu says that sort of thing because it is an encyclopedic ignorance once said I do not remember who, but it is not. The says it is an arrogant, because it is believed the XXI Century Jorge Ubico, and because they can. Arzu really believe that he would choose better for people, and believes that "flat" means he would select would be even better. That this was its President in 1996-2000 and that is what municipal management. He thinks he is the captain of the ship, the pastor of the flock, the father of the country, the child at the christening and the dead in the funeral. Want the economy is subject to the policy is that the arbitrator will decide how to play the game .

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There is no such thing as a country's oil bill

Supposedly, the country's oil bill rose a 23.9 percent, but that's not true. This collectivization of consumption of fossil fuels is evil and now I tell you why. You pay an oil bill and I pay an oil bill. The government and all who consume petroleum products pay oil bills. There may be a summation of the amount of all individual oil bills, but that sum is not the country. It's yours is mine and the government, but not the country.

Collectivization is perverse because I feel that your bill is yours, and my bill is mine, you and I are responsible for it. And manage it according to our needs and possibilities. However, if the bill outside the country, claiming to represent the country would feel with some political authority to modify and influence the way you and I manage our oil bills that you and I pay according to our needs and possibilities. Those who claim to represent the country would feel the political authority to take away from you and me the responsibility of managing our oil bills and dilute the individual responsibility-yours and mine, in the political community and irresponsible that they lead.

If the responsibility was collective or all, would stand still for anyone. And if collective or all, everyone but you and I would have the last word about our individual consumption of fuel. And no matter if you can afford, because it's our bill, claiming to represent all might want to decide for us and submit to his will as to our particular fuel consumption.

The same applies to electrical energy and photo-illustrated very well. There is no such thing as a power consumption of the country. Are you and I who consume electricity, and you and I pay our bills and are responsible for them. If we turn off a light bulb, save a little ... but you and me, not the community because the community is not paying your bill or my bill.

Be careful with the perverse idea of \u200b\u200bcollectivized consumption. Responsibility and freedom are individual issues. Not the community.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Black Spot Claimstimber Tech

lot, the exguerrilla desvincúlense yes I

During the demonstrations yesterday the group comprising members of the Alternative New Nation, of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity, and the National Front clashed with another group composed of unions of various entities, including The Coca-Cola bottler.

funny thing is that the speeches of the occasion called for the unity of the left , but you already know: where two leftist leaders, there are three or four competing organizations. In part this is because there are too many interests at stake, and partly because between them they have not closed the wounds left by the betrayal, corruption and inconsistencies among them, left the 36 years of armed conflict.

In the ranks of the left many people intellectually restless, sincere and consistent, people who exguerrilla links with the eclipse, fog and becomes complicit in those 36 years of sterile confrontation, and the slaughter of hundreds valuable lives to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat. Those people

restless sincere and consistent looking good for the Guatemalans, albeit for wrong means that the principle of collective interests prevail over individual rights, they should be separated from the atavistic exguerrilla, angry, violent and totalitarian. They should be distinguished from them and separated them radically.

If that happens, the quality would substantially improve civic dialogue, and in such a case the differences of opinion as nothing more than honest disagreements over ideas complex , rather than a mythical expressions of class struggle can only end with the extermination of one of the parties involved for the success of the revolution.

This is a case in which the union does not necessarily force, and to the left you should disassociate honored the memories of the exguerrilla and their propensity for violence and totalitarianism.

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Today According to Alvaro Velásquez

Today if I agree with Alvaro Velásquez, a columnist wrote today that who think that being libertarian means only defend private property and free enterprise are wrong. Freedom has many implications and around it, the consistency between theory and practice is a moral and scientific .

Many critics of the philosophy of freedom, of classical liberalism and libertarianism (as you prefer to call it) believe that liberalism is itself a matter of economics, believe that this is only the power to use, enjoy and enjoy what is proper, and believe that it is only the possibility of undertaking. Velásquez is right to stress that freedom means much more and that consistency is needed.

agree with those who warn that the defense of the philosophy of freedom is an ethical issue, and is explained as follows: the fundamental choice that every human being is to live or die. If you choose the second option, there is nothing to discuss; but if you choose the first, take into account that human beings live is doing qua human beings. Living, then, is not only exist but to live fully. An orchid, a chicken and an amoeba exist in terms of the Greek word zoe , but human beings live in terms of the Greek word bios , because not only exist, but individuals are human beings and have circumstances teleological . And only live fully if our actions, choices and decisions are safe from arbitrary coercion of others pressure removes the individual as a thinking which has a intrinsic value and making it a mere instrument in achieving the purposes of another . Friedrich A. Hayek also is very clear in saying that freedom does not mean possession of all goods, or the absence of all evil . So freedom is a moral impertativo dignified human life, and morally good is something that does not prevent human life qua human life .

The consistency between theory and practice is also a valuable observation Velásquez. A liberal principle, classical liberal or libertarian is that, in social relations, collective interests should not prevail over individual rights . If someone says libertarian, but argues the opposite, because then it is not libertarian. It's the opposite of that that if something walks like a duck, you duck down, duck beak and makes quack like a duck, then duck. Is that if something walks like a duck, has feathers, duck, duck-billed has not and does wow, like a dog, maybe not duck.

From another perspective, another top liberal, classical liberal or libertarian is the equality of all before the law , and if it were the case someone claims to be libertarian, but considers relevant or useful a few exceptions or privileges, because then it is not libertarian. The fact is that the parties do not contradict the whole. And so, you can not criticize the liberatrianismo, or libertarians, for ideas that will not hold libertarianism, or actions that would not a libertarian.

The philosophy of freedom has enormous ethical, legal, aesthetic and economic, and so it is unfair, and intellectually dishonest "box on the right to have, or freedom of enterprise. And so it is very wise observation Alvaro Velásquez.

Weird Taste In Mouth Carbon Monoxide

Today, at 1:00 pm (Central Time), will be in the radio program lung Everything leading my friends Marta Yolanda Díaz-Durán and Jorge Jacobs . The show airs on 100.9 FM and at 5.60 AM and you can see

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Luisfi on the radio "the creek", a story of dispossession, abuse and corruption

The farm The Crique is a story of dispossession , abuses and corruption. Now is the family Ledesma Del Busto alone facing the might of those who can use force with impunity, but tomorrow, "will you and your family?

I do not mind the cry of the violent, the corrupt, dishonest, of unethical, what worries me is the silence of good , said Martin Luther King, Jr. What side you?

can share this video on your Facebook .

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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you also were in the wrong place?

Let's see ... the people who were killed today in Pizza Hut San Cristobal, "was also in the wrong place and wrong time? And injured in the bus was going to Mixco, "also were in the wrong place and wrong time?

I do not mind the cry of the violent, the corrupt, dishonest, of unethically. What worries me is the silence of good , said Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lack Of Cervical Mucus Mean I Am Not Pregnant

Xaras and real carpenters under my window

At this time of year, my neighbor's cedar loses almost all its leaves and reveals the birds and other animals that inhabit it. This morning was full of xaras with its characteristic blue plumage and black head, as well as real woodpeckers with its elegant red heads.

Too bad I could not get a good picture of the xaras flying from tree to tree because it is beautiful to see them plan, with blue wings on green foliage.

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The kingdom Khan in the realm of deception

sad thing is that it should not surprise us: The ruins of the birthplace of the Mayan culture are in danger of destruction from looting, and El Mirador, which was the largest city of the Maya Kan-in the kingdom, "back in 600 BC is coming to a point of irreversible destruction.

Fortunately I was able to visit the kingdom Khan in 2005 and living there, along with the best company, an extraordinary adventure. In December of that year we flew to Flores, Petén, and there we were waiting for two vehicles to us into the jungle to the village of Carmelita where breakfast.

At the end of food, a team of local-phone composed Darwin, Gladys Cook, an assistant and two mules, we had prepared the train of 12 mules to take us two and a half days to El Mirador. And grabbed road. We

muddy up inside the ears, sleep in a camp tappers and another snake smelled of urine. We saw jaguar tracks and hear these magnificent cats overnight. We ate the best fried chicken I've tasted in my life. Saw the carcass of a mule that was attacked by bees and my nephew got a tarantula in his shoe. In the one night we saw the sky, this was so we could not identify star constellations. One night we slept between water and a downpour. The wine is not lacking for dinner, and felt delicious pancakes for breakfast. Twice I fell off the mule because the saddle was not tight. Stabbed lower in the water came up to her waist, and passed on mud, walking on it, goodbye clouds, clouds! insects. The rain just heard, because the dense forest would not let us come to the floor. At times, there was nothing but green, green, green, and greener. At times there was a sun embracing, sometimes the humidity kept my glasses cloudy and sometimes everything was so fresh and so rich.

What was my most dramatic experience in this adventure? Well ... would I rode my mule on the second day of the trip, thinking What possessed me? , when I saw approached from my left to me a sheet filled with awful black spider with red. With a movement like the movie Matrix leaned to the right and managed to avoid the nasty giant arachnids. Then, with his left hand slipped off my glasses and with the back of the right hand I wiped the sweat that fell on my left eye. And it was, then, when a sheet caught between the back of my hand and my eye, so that I felt when rubbed against my skin. Moments later I started to feel hot and burning around my left eye. And the heat and burning worse. And I thought I lose the eye . There I was, two days before the nearest town in the middle of the jungle, and I was going to lose an eye. But the guide, Darwin, he said he probably would not lose the eye and I washed it with water. Well, I kept riding my mule until the discomfort disappeared. Not before I imagined as the lame pirate with eye patch Joaquin Sabina.

All in all, the feeling of joy and triumph to have got there by mule and on foot, only surpassed by the intensity of what it feels like when you are viewing La Danta pyramid, from the pyramid of El Tigre and has your feet the vast sea that is the forest green. All wrapped up in the evening light and the smell of incense.

I'm glad we went because things are going, may no longer have the Mirador for a while. Today we know that despite megalomaniac projects like Four Balam , apathy, ineptitude and the war on drugs could end the reign Kan. El Mirador, now, is in the realm of deception in which we sunk the slippers.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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Carpe Diem, for the record

Today I have wanted to celebrate, so I am delighted that for days, Carpe Diem is in sixth place in the Guatemalan most popular blogs, listed in Blogalaxia . According Blogalaxia also is number 10 among the journals of opinion in Latin America. According Histats Over the past 10 days, and certainly during the last 2 months, has received an average of 554 daily visitors who are reading for an average of 7 minutes and 33 seconds. 36.44% visitors come from Guatemala and 15.97% of the United States of America. Carpe Diem has existed for 1.166 days.

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Officials! Pack of farstantes!

Now I read that the Central American governments agreed to unite to protect tourists , I wonder: Why the fuck do not unite to protect everyone?!

A director of the World Tourism Organization said that has responsibility to protect tourists , but I say to governments or administrations that have these governments have a responsibility to offer security and justice for all. How much of

tax money was spent by bureaucrats of tourism in the meeting that the conclusions reached above?

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It was a father, any mother

A Antonio López Martín met him during the time he studied law and I agree. Fray Antonio was chaplain general of prisons in Guatemala and everyone in the class agreed that was a father, any mother .

Lopez's father did not go unnoticed here. He authored a book called One Hundred Years of History prison in Guatemala, the central prison to the criminal Farm Pavón work that I keep with esteem, not only because very informative, full of photos and information at times curious and sometimes disturbing, but because they can be read with ease and I was flattered by the very Father Lopez. He also owed the energy that was needed to restore the Capuchin church in Guatemala City. He also spent time in the church of La Merced in Antigua Guatemala.

When I was cachureco sought the advice of padreantonio , and I never recommended a nonsense, as well as I had patience. Probably Many prisoners and ex feel the death of the chaplain because I'm sure many of those who trusted him, never left disappointed.

The last time I saw him was for the wedding of my cousin Paola, relatively recently. Ah, really sorry he's dead father Antonio.

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The priorities have Colom

than 27 state schools are in danger of stop operating because the Ministry of Education has not paid the rent of the buildings they occupy.

This shows two things, you do not need to prove, but it is worth to highlight:

1. Education not a priority for the social management of The Colom. They have other priorities.
2. The Social Democratic administration Colom has no respect for people who rent their property.

The Administration does have money, but use it in other things that are important to them. The caricature of the great Buddha tells us, for example, how come this weekend Sandra Torres Evita was to open soccer fields, at a cost of Q23 million, while the money is needed in hospitals, or in schools. Again is the story of the propaganda box that was sent to bring to Russia at a cost of Q1.5 million. The money from the tax-and-naive donors have it, but only spend it on what is politically useful to them, not what is important.

addition, tell me if there is a lack of respect for those who rent property that you do not get paid. Imagine that you depend on income from house rent given to live, or to adjust their spending. Imagine that socialist politicians and bureaucrats do not get paid for months and months.

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head Ears Venus and memories of times

My father prepared the abalone or ears Venus with chopped onions, olive oil, mustard and a little salt if needed, and we did on Sunday, at home. He said he bought canned abalone was the best Peruvian unresisting to the tooth. And right he was! This we did was Mexican, and although it tasted very similar to my father bought his consistency almost ruined the experience.

All in all, it was tasty. The last time I ate abalone was in Taiwan at the end of the last century and the last time I ate one prepared by my father was before 1986, so Sunday's brought back many memories. The recipe, of course, my father was not originally, but he gave it to his friend and family physician, Dr. Carlos Sanchez, and I fall into the abalone grace the ears called Venus because they certainly seem big ears, very unworthy of the goddess. My father also liked oyster sauce, and thus called for in their favorite Chinese restaurants that were Canton on Fifth Avenue in Zone 1, and Charm at the Seventh Avenue area 4.

Monday, October 18, 2010

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more dead now than during the war of URNG

If it were true that during the war of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unit, between 1960 and 1996, killing more than 200,000 people; That would yield a daily average of about 15 victims. That is, 4 fatalities less than 19 currently being reported.

course who have read Guatemala, History silenced by Carlos Sabino have many reservations about the magic figure of 200,000, but still serves to put in perspective what are dramatic insecurity, impunity and lack of justice in Guatemala, 2010.

Many of these deaths, of course, be avoided if eliminated the criminalization of drugs, political phenomenon that is the context for reprehensible acts as shooting last Saturday at dawn.

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Facta, non verba: transparency and efficiency in spending

Asked for the reasons that led to the private sector (the reader, if not employed by the state and if you understand that taxation is theft) to oppose a higher tax burden, Humberto Lopez, World Bank chief economist said: My experience tells me that in part has been some elements that I think are legitimate for taxpayers, and here come the transparency and efficiency in spending. It is important that when a reform or fiscal covenant is placed on the table not only the need for more resources, but also how it is to ensure that they are well spent and is to be made in a transparent manner .

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Taxes: First do no harm

Primum non nocere
is a fundamental maxim of medical practice, a phrase that can be translated as "First do no harm, and above all do no harm. That phrase should apply also to tax policy. If taxes have to exist, and understanding that they are taking people's money by force to redistribute political between interests that the legitimate owner of the money might not contribute on a voluntary and peaceful, "taxes should be governed by that principle.

That is why double taxation, taxation beyond the ability to pay tax, and other practices of this sort should be banned, fought and even punished, and therefore the health of the tax system should be measured more by the neutrality of those who by their ability to satisfy particular interests.

It is therefore very fitting that the Constitutional Court declared null the tax on snuff products, same as constiuía double taxation.

The photo is owned by the Museo Popol Vuh and depicts a man smoking in a glass of the classical period and the lowlands.

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The Tempest and the departure of Dionysius

Since last night, almost no talk of nothing but the news that Dionisio Gutierrez left his television Free Meeting.

entrepreneur and conductor of the program announced last night that in recent months have increased significantly, from various forms of harassment and intimidation, to constants death threats against his person, and that given the circumstances and reasons for work and academic interests took her decision to leave the country and program.

so sorry because Dionysus is one of those Guatemalans who love Guatemala and because having worked to side for about six years, I knew him as a good person, loyal and generous. An entrepreneur can choose any activity for their leisure time, chose one which involved a high intellectual and social commitment: that of opinion journalism. With the departure of Dionysius, then, Guatemala lost a good man. The loss is partial, but no less alarming.

His withdrawal has deep dimensions because if a man has at his disposal a world-class specialized security is the need to leave the country because it is being threatened and intimidated, what is left to the clogs on the street? What is people who are extorted and murdered dozens of colonies in the country? What is left to people who are shot in restaurants, or who are in the midst of shootings in malls? If the forces of evil and arbitrary power can compel Dionisio to retire, what a mess we are involved in the slippers!

worst, however, is that the announced departure of Dionysius, or is it next?, A wave of migration from the country's productive elites. It is very bad, very bad, productive elite material and emotionally dissociate the country. Not only because They will his talent and entrepreneurial spirit, but we are left only with sheaves of looters. If elites are productive, the wealth that should be occurring in Guatemala, will be produced elsewhere. Other work will not be here, and others will enjoy what they do not enjoy here. That is the legacy of the triumph of the looters. Throughout

and breadth of Guatemala, thousands of families whose young production had to cross rivers, deserts, walls and even negotiate to get the job murderers who can not find here. How long can we, the slippers, waste the future and still lose the spirit Luchon of these people? I do not think for too long, and me!, We start to go the few people who is able to generate productive jobs. The few people who is able to generate a positive and constructive leadership. Hopefully

Dionisio's departure is temporary. That is a retreat to catch aviada. That is for air and take away. We are watching the storm, and we crossed.

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Lack of spelling in the presidential sash

"livertad with v small? Where? In the presidential sash Juan José Arévalo's first president Revolution!

not going to believe me, come and see you , Candido said, and led me to Arévalo's portrait on display in the central corridor of the National Palace. And indeed, the portrait of revolutionary leader, educator and president has a band whose coat, on parchment, says livertad September 15, 1821 .

I fell in grace and led me to wonder: Why is it that today's revolutionaries, organizers of the exhibition, chose a picture of Arevalo misspelling? Did not realized, or was it on purpose? How ironic that the teacher had made him Arévalo portrait misspelling! Then I said to Candide: course, if the revolutionaries were going to put freedom, would have put a "v" small . Surely, as the socialists like . Referring, of course, the spiritual socialism who practiced the first president of the Revolution.

Seriously, the misspelling was a painter, because beside the portrait is displayed Arévalo's band and this is well written speech.

Another source of fun for my visit to the Palace, was that I was wearing my red shirt that says Enjoy Capitalism, and, indeed, could not resist the opportunity to portray me beside her with his band Arevalo says livertad .

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The sadness of the windows of the National Palace

yearling was not to enter the central corridor of the National Palace and Saturday, I walked around, I found myself again with the windows destroyed there in that area.

In September 1980, the guerrillas detonated an explosive charge in Central Park, opposite the Palace, and with it not only destroyed the windows that are in the central corridor, but those who are in the banquet hall. In addition, several people killed were in the area. I'm not sure if they did damage to the windows that are in the reception hall.

The windows of the central corridor have the Guatemalan literature themes, and those who see in the pictures relate to The attempt of the lion and the success of your company , a fable by Matías de Córdova and Mexican Rusticatio the Rafael Landívar poem, among others.

These windows are precious works of art were made by Julius Urruela in 1942 and Don Julio, known as ca. 1987 when a girls' school offered a tribute. I was out there because another of the honorees was the news World Here and I was representing the program. A Urruela I remember as a very nice man and proud of his work. I think that on that occasion was that I learned that in the murals, the yellow is very low because it is expensive to produce because to do so you need gold.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Multiplication Chart From 13-20

The passage of the roller coaster ... that was not

The plan was as follows: That the coaster carts pass through the video in question less than a second ... but I got the shot, to go by things on the run. Of Anyway, I put it like made me laugh.

This afternoon I went for a walk Galleries Primma inside which is a roller coaster. The idea was to get on, but got a bit unwell so I decided to leave for another day. I really like the roller coaster and I've uploaded several times that of Xetulul. I love to let go and enjoy watching the adrenalinazos.

The best I've ever been, it is huge and is made of wood, is in the Texas Giant at Six Flags over Texas, as 13 years ago, ha ha ha. The sound of wooden coasters is unique and far exceeds that make the metal.

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The Revolution and its relation to "empresaurios"

Our policy was protectionist agenda favoring the domestic to the foreign employer; this admitted Alfonso Bauer Paiz, referring to the revolution of October 20, 1944.

It follows that the Revolution was an accomplice of employers protectionist, mercantilist businessmen or empresaurios that traditionally have not hesitated to use force the state to serve their interests. That is, they have not hesitated to use the state to have their interests prevail over individual rights of all. No wonder the revolutionaries and empresaurios classical liberalism annoys them!

Liberalism argues that neither the particular interests or collective interests should prevail over individual rights. Argues that all are equal before the law, and so openly and resolutely opposed to privileges. Protests, for example, practices such as interventionism, and makes for moral reasons, not for purely utilitarian.

If you have doubts, take a look at L to Economics in One Lesson , by Henry Hazlitt. In this manual, that great liberal and in line with other large and liberal Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich A. Hayek, or the objectivist Ayn Rand, has a chapter called "Who protects tariffs? , one called The desire to export and another one titled Salvation X industry. In all three, and with his pen inside, Hazlitt explains why it is that what they did the revolutionaries, pimping empresaurios , is wrong. According to what used to be, many have made fortunes empresaurios protectionist practices, but thanks to economic science and liberalism, and known economic and moral damage that make these policies. And fortunately, most and more heirs to fortunes made under the Privileges and protectionism openly struggling against them.

Please take your note: Liberals write and act against protectionism and against privilege, but instead revolutionaries are accomplices of protectionism and they boast of sponsoring privileges. Liberals oppose privileges for empresaurios , but the Revolution, multiplied. Do not be fooled, because he confirmed it was Alfonso Bauer Paiz, one of the living icons of the Revolution and former Minister of Economy and Labour of the government of Juan José Arévalo.

The picture is of Alfonso Bauer Paiz, speaking at a forum.

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The old national anthem in

The first two stanzas of the original lyrics of the anthem of Guatemala , composed by José Joaquín Palma in 1896, said:

Guatemala, happy! ... and your interests
ferocious bloodshed not the executioner;
nor is cowards who submit to their yoke,
or tyrants who deride you.

If tomorrow your sacred soil profanes
foreign invasion,
your beautiful stained with blood flag
will shroud the bold .

But that letter was amended at the request of President Jorge Ubico and the modification was made by José María Bonilla Ruano in 1934. The recording, which can be heard on gramophone thanks to the extraordinary Musicians Museum Invisibles is the original national anthem.

Thus, as in the video, you could hear the anthem in the early twentieth century. My mother recalls that her grandmother's house had one and I wonder, where would you go to stop? Who would say, take out the garbage from here!, And sent to pull the gramophone?

Yesterday I visited the Museum of the Musicians invisible thanks to a very pleasant and educational tour organized by the Museo Popol Vuh .