Thursday, October 21, 2010

Black Spot Claimstimber Tech

lot, the exguerrilla desvincúlense yes I

During the demonstrations yesterday the group comprising members of the Alternative New Nation, of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity, and the National Front clashed with another group composed of unions of various entities, including The Coca-Cola bottler.

funny thing is that the speeches of the occasion called for the unity of the left , but you already know: where two leftist leaders, there are three or four competing organizations. In part this is because there are too many interests at stake, and partly because between them they have not closed the wounds left by the betrayal, corruption and inconsistencies among them, left the 36 years of armed conflict.

In the ranks of the left many people intellectually restless, sincere and consistent, people who exguerrilla links with the eclipse, fog and becomes complicit in those 36 years of sterile confrontation, and the slaughter of hundreds valuable lives to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat. Those people

restless sincere and consistent looking good for the Guatemalans, albeit for wrong means that the principle of collective interests prevail over individual rights, they should be separated from the atavistic exguerrilla, angry, violent and totalitarian. They should be distinguished from them and separated them radically.

If that happens, the quality would substantially improve civic dialogue, and in such a case the differences of opinion as nothing more than honest disagreements over ideas complex , rather than a mythical expressions of class struggle can only end with the extermination of one of the parties involved for the success of the revolution.

This is a case in which the union does not necessarily force, and to the left you should disassociate honored the memories of the exguerrilla and their propensity for violence and totalitarianism.


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