Friday, October 22, 2010

Melina Velba With Santa

There is no such thing as a country's oil bill

Supposedly, the country's oil bill rose a 23.9 percent, but that's not true. This collectivization of consumption of fossil fuels is evil and now I tell you why. You pay an oil bill and I pay an oil bill. The government and all who consume petroleum products pay oil bills. There may be a summation of the amount of all individual oil bills, but that sum is not the country. It's yours is mine and the government, but not the country.

Collectivization is perverse because I feel that your bill is yours, and my bill is mine, you and I are responsible for it. And manage it according to our needs and possibilities. However, if the bill outside the country, claiming to represent the country would feel with some political authority to modify and influence the way you and I manage our oil bills that you and I pay according to our needs and possibilities. Those who claim to represent the country would feel the political authority to take away from you and me the responsibility of managing our oil bills and dilute the individual responsibility-yours and mine, in the political community and irresponsible that they lead.

If the responsibility was collective or all, would stand still for anyone. And if collective or all, everyone but you and I would have the last word about our individual consumption of fuel. And no matter if you can afford, because it's our bill, claiming to represent all might want to decide for us and submit to his will as to our particular fuel consumption.

The same applies to electrical energy and photo-illustrated very well. There is no such thing as a power consumption of the country. Are you and I who consume electricity, and you and I pay our bills and are responsible for them. If we turn off a light bulb, save a little ... but you and me, not the community because the community is not paying your bill or my bill.

Be careful with the perverse idea of \u200b\u200bcollectivized consumption. Responsibility and freedom are individual issues. Not the community.


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