Monday, October 18, 2010

Volleyball Panty Lines

The sadness of the windows of the National Palace

yearling was not to enter the central corridor of the National Palace and Saturday, I walked around, I found myself again with the windows destroyed there in that area.

In September 1980, the guerrillas detonated an explosive charge in Central Park, opposite the Palace, and with it not only destroyed the windows that are in the central corridor, but those who are in the banquet hall. In addition, several people killed were in the area. I'm not sure if they did damage to the windows that are in the reception hall.

The windows of the central corridor have the Guatemalan literature themes, and those who see in the pictures relate to The attempt of the lion and the success of your company , a fable by Matías de Córdova and Mexican Rusticatio the Rafael Landívar poem, among others.

These windows are precious works of art were made by Julius Urruela in 1942 and Don Julio, known as ca. 1987 when a girls' school offered a tribute. I was out there because another of the honorees was the news World Here and I was representing the program. A Urruela I remember as a very nice man and proud of his work. I think that on that occasion was that I learned that in the murals, the yellow is very low because it is expensive to produce because to do so you need gold.


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