Friday, October 22, 2010

Can A Fogger Kill Lice

Facta non verba: Arzu, the scourge of the economy

We thought that politics should subject to the economy and now we realize that it is the reverse ; said Mayor of the Palace and god of the wolf, Alvaro Arzu by threatening to return to national politics.

What you may not remember the Chief Edil is that during his presidency, the economy was so subject to political whims, which maintained the very high lending rates , they walked in an average of 19.37%, having reached 22.4%. This and politically mobilized capital is always scarce in the real economy to the economy of paper and created a pyramid investment papers, concluded in the bankruptcy that affected many small savers and investors.

certainly not known, the Head of City Hall, that the economy has a direct bearing on the meaning and significance of human actions which are then ratios and have purpose. The economy has to do with the media that people choose to achieve their ends, these people selected according to their value judgments. If one assumes that the purposes they serve the people and the means chosen to achieve those purposes have to be subjected to political power, have you afraid, be very afraid.

If Arzu come true that with which is threatening, in the sense that the economy must be subject to politics, would not be acting differently to Los Colom who wanted a central bank for social, precisely the economy is subject to politics.

So as a joke, people think Arzu says that sort of thing because it is an encyclopedic ignorance once said I do not remember who, but it is not. The says it is an arrogant, because it is believed the XXI Century Jorge Ubico, and because they can. Arzu really believe that he would choose better for people, and believes that "flat" means he would select would be even better. That this was its President in 1996-2000 and that is what municipal management. He thinks he is the captain of the ship, the pastor of the flock, the father of the country, the child at the christening and the dead in the funeral. Want the economy is subject to the policy is that the arbitrator will decide how to play the game .


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