Monday, March 28, 2011

Hyper Space Training Tower

Parking rate adjustment request will inspect

Mar 28, 2011, 02:31 AM 1 + VAT per hour (rate was regulated to the historical value of 2001), which is an industry need to make adjustments in order to continue providing the service, "the statement said.


Banks frustrate the plan of the Board to relieve the 'stock' of housing in the province (south)

Of the thirteen thousand floors are expected to sell out just 200, according to promoters, lack of support from financial institutions
28.03.2011 -

Los bancos frustran el plan de la Junta para aliviar el 'stock' de vivienda de la provincia
The bulging portfolio of flats seized together with credit checks makes entities not meeting agreed in the initial protocol of the plan. : : SUR
Failure all. And in capital letters. The plan announced with fanfare by the Board to dispose of the large 'stock' house ended up being a fiasco, as critical of both the promoters and the Andalusian government itself, because of the lack of cooperation offered by financial institutions' who have acted as a bottleneck. " The initiative, which last year raised great expectations among the entrepreneurs of brick, which saw it as an escape valve, it has not given the desired results in the province, where initially it was estimated that could boost the sale of up to 13,000 properties. The reality, however, was much more stark: "We've just got to output at 200 floors, "says the president of the Associated Builders and Developers, Pepe Prado, without hiding his disappointment with the poor results achieved. The
dubbed Impulse Measure and Access to Housing was launched mid January 2010 with attractive fruit playing a three-way agreement between the regional government, developers and banks. Each of the legs of this tripod and assumed certain obligations, the Board undertook to provide a loan of between 9,000 and 15,000 euros to the buyer to avoid the payment of the entry (representing an average saving of 40% on the mortgage for the first eight years), while the developer was provide property-listed on the site mortgage with a maximum cost of 245,000 euros, which resulted in a reduction of at least 20%.
far, as highlighted by the parties, the plan has been fulfilled. The stumbling block is generated with the third pillar of the program (entities) whose role was vital to the program could work. Under the agreement, the banks and thirty who had expressed explicit support for the initiative were to facilitate access to finance by providing loans for 100% of the value of the mortgage, without an admission fee (only VAT) offering three-year grace period, which involved the payment to relieve half those years.
The theory was promising. But the practice has been quite different. In fact, the billion reserved for this action, the Board has only had to spend last twenty. "The plan was well designed but the bottleneck has prevented institutions operate," acknowledges the provincial delegate for Public Works and Housing, Enrique Benitez, who blames the position of banks to the economic situation. "The banks have been subjected to a stringent credit controls have forced them to curb credit to reduce property risk, which has closed the doors to new business." "And if the claim the program is lame" adds.
The tap fully closed
coordinator of the Association in Andalusia user banks, and insurance (Adicae), Carmen Gutierrez, denunciation that institutions have closed the tap and that only authorized transactions of homes that have foreclosed, to what requires government intervention. "What is not acceptable is that they have helped them keep liquidity and families without access to a mortgage. The plan of the Board is not yet fully understood because the promises are on one side and the other market realities', denunciation.
The promoters explain that, beyond the calculations the Board, the hope was to sell around a thousand stories. "We were very excited but it has been no lack of enthusiasm for our nor compliance by the Board, the banks are those who have not complied with the signed" he said while recalling that while not free 'stock ', can not re-build, which will not reactivate the wheel, "says Prado.
In the same line, says the director of the Real Estate Chair of Corporate Practice Institute, José Antonio Pérez, who brings to the table the need to sell the apartments built to return "to start the machinery." "This is essential to make serious study, classifying the 'stock' and make a plan tailored to each product, "and that each must have its own strategy, argues.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Morrison Media Reviews

MALAGA. Citizen proposals to the Guadalmedina. (LAOPINION)

society The Foundation has already received eight different ideas from citizens about possible future uses for the river channel.

Esta imagen está incluida en el proyecto de Luis Martín Martínez, ingeniero de obras públicas que presentó su propuesta de adecuación del cauce a la Fundación Ciedes el 21 de febrero de 2011, antes incluso de que se habilitara el buzón para aportar ideas en la página web. Este ingeniero propone crear un parque fluvial que mantenga un cauce constante en un canal central, mientras que los laterales se mantengan para uso ciudadano, con carril bici y paseos peatonales, fomentando la llamada vegetación de ribera.
This image is included in the draft Luis Martín Martínez, civil engineer who presented his proposal to adapt the channel to the Foundation society on 21 February 2011, even before that the mailbox was enabled to contribute ideas on the website. The engineer seeks to create a riverside park to keep a constant stream into a central channel, while the sides are maintained for public use, with bike lanes and walkways, encouraging called riparian vegetation.

MIGUEL Ferrary The project to reshape the course of Guadalmedina is the great challenge facing the city over the next decade. After years of fruitless discussions and various projects, from beginning to emerge from the 70's, ciety Foundation has already directed the efforts of government to a contest of ideas that will shape the future of this space.

However, as important as expert opinion, the proposals are public. Malaga eight have submitted their proposals on the runway in the week which has been running the web that the Foundation has opened to inform society of this project.

The opportunity to submit their own proposals is open from Monday, starting with two that had been submitted prior to society, one in 2007 and again in February this year. To them have joined six others in less than a week.

approaches are very different but for now there is a majority of ideas who prefer the open channel, for use as a park and a constant flow of water. However, there are three Malaga who bet on the river cover at its urban and use this space to divert traffic, promote public transport and make room for the pedestrian.

approaches in any case, try complete technical projects. Collected over the philosophy of the proposal and wishes of Malaga that reflect on the future of river.

The origin of the proposals are different and behind them are in professions as diverse as school teacher, an economist, an engineer, a naval captain, an ecologist and an entity recreational dedicated to the Seine.

Two groups

The two main groups that have been created are defined by their attitude towards the vaulting. Five of the eight proposals prefer an open solution, while three want to bury the channel. The concrete result of each approach is subject to nuanced differences, agreeing on the point of view the channel as a covered or open.

The five defenders to keep the channel also agree on the importance of water as the backbone of the space. Either with a central canal continuous flow or a cascade system, in all cases insist on his presence, recalling his role as a river.

On the one hand, Luis Martín, Juan Antonio Campos and the Association of Friends of the Barca de Seine believe there is a suitable constant flow that is combined with public uses on the sides, with parks, trees, bike lanes , sitting areas, along the way and riparian vegetation, adapted to the usual in rivers.

proposals Carlos Sevilla-Gutierrez and Marcelino de Leon seeking a greater presence of water. The first style of other urban rivers of Europe, which can be navigable or recreational berth houseboats. The second, however, committed water as a decorative element, covering the river bed.


The approach of those who bet on the vaulting is to use different heights of the channel to output the north-south traffic with different solutions, and combine with reserved spaces for pedestrians.

In all three cases, insists that the channel remains in the bottom as to possible avenues overflow of water, even digging in to take over deep.

The end result of the betting is different in the three cases. On the one hand, Enrique Larrubia defends a solution with three levels. The lower output would be reserved as water, situated in the middle, and also covered, as a large car park to allow different types of systems-rotation or sale of seats, according to each neighborhood and its needs. The third level would be a park and pedestrian area, with a central tram.

Juan Antonio Campoy also defends the vaulting as an opportunity to divert traffic from the north-south runway and the east-west through the grinds of Heredia. In this way we could pedestrianise Alameda and take the pedestrian area.

A similar perspective is that of Agustín Sáez Vallejo, who conceived the underground river as a major thoroughfare with several lanes, to free the area for public use and the sides are like a mall lined to reduce the impact of the construction of the urban motorway.

These eight proposals, however, are only the first received and is expected to increase in coming weeks.

Marcelino de Leon
merchant marine captain
'Making various dams and water of the sea to carry as near the dam "

This proposal was submitted in 2007, is committed to a channel with water through a system of walls, dams fed by sea water pumped to the prey high and overflow, go from one to another in a cascade. Suggests that these walls are made under the bridges so they do not see.

Luis Martín Martínez
public works engineer
"Restoring the river resembling the path to its natural structure"

Luis Martin proposes to maintain the present river, with a proposed action on the last mile in which bid to create an urban park 50,000 square meters with a bicycle, pedestrian walkways, a continuous flow of water, riparian vegetation and LED lighting throughout the park.

John A. Centeno Campoy
"Let us be brave and undertake the reforms needed to promote change"

consider that the channel can be used to divert north-south traffic through the vaulted space, except in the mouth. In addition, the connection East-West would be by the Muelle de Heredia, drawing pedestrianise the Alameda Park. The mouth is left as a recreation area.

Juan Antonio Campos Palomo
"The ideal is to make the park on the sides and leave the center channel "

Cree necessary to reserve the channel like a river, with its own ecosystem to be protected, as the colony of bee-eater that is along the IES Sierra Bermeja. Is against the vaulting and commitment by a large park in north-south, planting trees and sitting areas, and reserving a minimum flow.

Enrique Larrubia
not specified
"Soterraríamos the runway to a parking lot and a large park on it"

bury Betting the river, leaving a first vault as a channel to collect rain or possible flooding. Above him, a large parking all along the river, with areas of rotation and for sale. Parking on the park will be built, with a tram in the center, connecting the Center to La Conception.

Friends of the Boat of Seine
"The vaulting of the river is an impersonal solution, put it in value"

The association believes that it must act sections in the channel, but always in a manner consistent with the existence of water and public use. It considers that there should be a riverside park with greenery and a sheet of water regulated by the dam, with pedestrian walkways on the side. Rejects the vaulting.

Vallejo Agustín Sáez
Institute Professor
"Joining multiple channel applications and integrate them into the city"

The teacher proposes to dig a channel for river to avoid possible flooding. On this performance it would conduct an underground north-south avenue of multiple lanes in both directions. On it would use an area of \u200b\u200bcitizen bike lane and a drainage system to collect rainwater.

Carlos M. Sevilla-Gutiérrez
not specified
"A river with enough water to make a river park and pier"

defends a solution contrary to the vaulting and closer to the river park model with a pier. Gives the example of European capitals, where the river is part of the life of the city and is used as a must. It considers that an avenue of trees on each side would be a good shot.

Generator Für Tattoos

MALAGA. Announce a new host Heritage in the Convent of the Trinity. (ELMUNDO)

El consejero andaluz de Cultura, Paulino Plata. |

Andalusian Cultural Councilor, Paulino Plata.

bring reading to children

"They will live both projects", he told Efe Plata, who explained that the rehabilitation of the cloister has a budget

3.5 million euros, and that the goal is not to worsen the damage. Speaking

, Silver has defended the "culture as a right for all", and has opted to "make it very visible that culture is an engine of the economy."

has also advocated

take the "singularity" heritage and artistic production of Andalusia to project the region from a cultural standpoint, after what has been referred to the Hispano-Moorish legacy, ties with Latin and flamenco "great ambassador."

In this regard, the Minister said that the Ministry is working on creating Flamenco White Paper, an instrument designed to help planning Strategic. Silver

also alluded to the commitment of his department to increase readership ,

that "it must be the commitment of all", and start from the family, noted, recalling that the read rate in the region is 4.4 points below the national average due to "historical reasons".

Córdoba, Cultural Capital

On the other hand, regarding the candidacy of Cordoba as Cultural Capital in 2016, the Minister asserted that the city has "all options" to become the chosen one, and has held that

the approach developed is "very powerful."

"We want to be the Draft 8.4 million Andalusians, "said Silver, who has unveiled a perspective that includes" interesting and novel "with a " component of today, "

that is how you can contribute from Andalusia to the processes taking place in Arab countries.

Plata has been presented at the forum by former Board Chairman Rafael Escudero, who has defined Plata as an "entrepreneur" and praised his character that allows you to "always look life from the optimism. "

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Indians Who Look Italian

Adolescent Polo "rose" and says he had an experience with God, reveals there will be an earthquake in

Polo, Barahona .- The 16 year old, who supposedly died on Thursday at the site of an evangelical church in the community of Polo in this province, but before he died he revealed to the pastor who was to die for 48 hours and then waking up when God will show Heaven and Hell, "resurrected" today at 11: AM in the midst of joy, tears and praises of the faithful of the religious congregation.

minor, Yoa Medrano, belonging to the Evangelical Church congregation No.7 The Gate is located in the neighborhood Pedro Bello Fund of the Municipality of Polo, awoke from a deep sleep before being taken into the arms of members of the church and taken to the pastor's house.

says that God revealed to be a great earthquake in the DR.

the church's pastor, the Rev. Reyes Baez, told reporters that the child narrated his experience in heaven with God to the members of the congregation after resurrecting the dead world. Reyes Baeza said that God had given to the lowest in paradise, then showed him hell and asked him to preach the message to all Dominicans who were approached by a major earthquake in the Dominican Republic and have eternal life only through repentance.

The child is very dehydrated.

People who were in the vicinity of the evangelical church noticed that the child was in an evident state of dehydration when he was removed from the local church.

on the state of the child, the pastor acknowledged that Medrano was a parishioner Yoa new to the congregation and apparently was not used to make the fast and, at all times to meet this divine command, drank only water, but now as I was raised, members of the church are fed soup and expect supply to be replenished serum and tell the world about your experience with God.

Mother is very proud.

The girl's mother, Ramona Smith, stood with tears in his eyes, not saying much, just said she was proud and amazed to see resuscitate her daughter, while his son, Yasmin Medrano Feliz, seemed to be very happy, said he expected all to return calm to bring the child to a medical facility to see how your health.

Hundreds of onlookers were on the streets in Pole to see the supposed miracle.
The case of the smaller Polo called the attention of all inhabitants of the province of Barahona and other parts of the country, the case attracted the attention of hundreds of onlookers, also the national media members who crowded to see the child and report the strange event.

pastor accused of kidnapping and negligence of the authorities with the lowest.

While some pastors of evangelical congregations, with Bible in hand, vehemently defended the streets that had happened to the girl was a "miracle" from God, others considered it a sham that threatened the life of a child and accused police and prosecutors under-Barahona of doing nothing to stop this show put on by the pastor to call attention of the press.

They complained that several doctors in the area showed up to church to give first aid to the smallest, but the pastor of the church kicked them off saying it was a work of God.

pastor called this act of kidnapping and violation of the code of the child and asked the authorities to initiate an investigation.

Herpes Pylonidal Cyst

MÁLAGA A port of Malaga. (SUR)

The Palm of Surprises opens to the public as a first step towards union with the city.

One week after Palm official opening of Surprises opened yesterday for all Malaga, giving effect to the purpose of the draft order attached to the port and city. Dozens of people came yesterday with curiosity to this new space to walk around the main street and discover its secrets. Music playground, orange squares at different levels, sources ... and many palms. About 400 to be exact.
The expectation was not for less. "It has been expected, but it was worth," stated the president of the Port Authority, Enrique Linde, who recalled the obstacles in nearly two decades had to pass the project to become a reality: The economic crisis, problems ground and up the red palm weevil forcing even change the species of palm trees. "Everything seemed to be against," Linde joked during the presentation of the site. But the dream that took shape in the mind of the architect Jerónimo Junquera, has become a reality. "From now on begins a new era for the port, which finally ingratiates the city, "he said. A union that, in his opinion would not have been possible without the political will of the Junta de Andalucía.
Mayor, Francisco de la Torre, said that the port stop giving back to the city to become part of it thanks to the two accesses, from the Plaza de la Marina and the Plaza del General Torrijos. And he wanted to say that expected in the future annexation of the Paseo del Parque Paseo with the burial of the Priests.

A gift

"The Palm is a gift to Malaga," said the minister of Public Works and Housing, Josefina Cruz, who wanted to highlight the role of his predecessor, Concepción Gutiérrez and the work of the government delegate and candidate for mayor by the PSOE, María Gámez. And also made a request to Malaga: "I hope you enjoy and care for it as his own house, because it is a unique place in Andalusia, and we must preserve," he said.
For Cruz, this is an important day because it is contributing to the integration of the port in the city. "The Palm will become a landmark of Malaga and the first thing you will see the cruise," he said. He also referred to the cost of the work, more than 32 million euros (a higher budget than expected) and reviewed by the team of Palm, which has buildings for cultural and museum, originally intended for the Aula del Mar, two kiosks and bars, which keep the aesthetics Junquera which designed the space, and especially the pergola, which is "half sailor, half whale or keel boat."
SOUTH citizens shared with first impressions and well, while Adela Jiménez highlighted the play of light at night, Paloma Chacón confessed that she wanted to see the first day "to be part of a historic moment for the city." "It was time to untie it, is a very large for stroll in the heart of downtown, "said Santos Agrela. Nuria Martin said that kids love games with sound, and Carlos Gomez said the distribution of banks, "looking at the boats." Thus, the people of Malaga were endorsed yesterday all corners of the 33,000 square foot Palm port.

Customize Mercurial Shoes

MÁLAGA The City will not negotiate until the Development Benítez resign as compensation. (SUR)

Mayor calls for a new deal at the Ministry remove any consideration for the ground lease for the park
03/26/1911 - 1:44

ANTONIO ORTIN / E. PRESS Benítez. The government team requires a new agreement in which the transfer of land to the city for the construction of a park is made other compensations of any kind, such as those included in the ministry sent the draft on Wednesday Consistory: rated building rights 76 million euros. The department led by José Blanco tried to disable 'in extremis' municipal rejection at this point proposing a postponement. In particular, Development proposed on Thursday that the agreement to be signed and the park so that they can start work and leave for later negotiations on trade-offs. The mayor, who already called it a "joke of the city" insisted yesterday through municipal sources that the City will not accept counterparts and that, at least, Development should remove the requirement for compensation to start talking. Maintenance

No is the only point of friction between the two administrations, who have different criteria on who is responsible for the operation and maintenance of future green area of \u200b\u200b28 hectares. Development is the City Council understands that he must assume as the ruler wields it should be classified as metropolitan and, therefore, would be the Board who should care.

referred to this controversy Yesterday also the president of the PP in Málaga, Elijah Bendodo who told Europa Press, demanded that the PSOE to "comply" with the commitment to build the park. Bendodo accused the Socialists of "begrudge money to Malaga, calling now 76 million for a facility where only going to invest eight million." "What can not be done is that the Development Minister, José Blanco, tell us unconcerned that he will make the park, and several months later come to an agreement in which they ask the City 76 million euros' criticized the popular leader of the local people. At the time, considered that the Andalusian government delegate Málaga, María Gámez, you should stop defending the socialist centralism and bet more for their city. "You can not look away and let the Malaga pay for land that should be theirs," he added.

In his view, the PSOE is "more focused on satisfying the interests of the Andalusian PSOE de Málaga, a city which for them is not a priority." For its part, the national deputy Celia Villalobos PP directed his criticism of the Ministry of Development for wanting to make "the deal of the century" with the park in the camp Benitez, "and that includes, along with the regional government, an investment of 8 million , and ask the people of Malaga in exchange for 76 million euros. " Villalobos
supported the "logic indignation" of the mayor and that Gamez scored unpresentable "has given its approval to that agreement." "Fortunately it's not going to be mayor of Malaga," he added. The popular MP also spoke to White "lie" after saying that the Mediterranean railway corridor running from the French border to Cadiz "in Barcelona and then to say it's only going to get to Almería."

Hospital Gifts Stroke Victims

NERJA Ecologists have views on the General Plan for violating the law. (SUR)

Can Drink Alcohol With Fluconazole

RD Rufino Police searching for the driver who drove drunk bus that killed 8 children

SANTO DOMINGO-The Chief of Police, Maj. Gen. Joseph A. Polanco Gómez, yesterday appointed a commission consisting of three senior officers to intensify the search and capture of the driver Rufino Ramirez Vargas, 32, who last 20 of the current caused an accident while drunk driving in a bus along the road Haras National-Villa Mella, which killed Eight people, including seven children.
Senior officers are responsible for investigating Colonel Mark A. Castro Tavares, Deputy Director for Research Santo Domingo Municipality Criminals North Lieutenants Colonels John I. Roque Jimenez, commander of the Department of Search and Capture of Fugitives, and Manuel Antonio Brito Quiroz, commander of criminal intelligence department.
The appointment is contemplated in the memorandum number 11520 in the office of National Police Chief.
The accident was caused while the said driver was driving while intoxicated Hyundai bus, Z503026 white plate in the road section, Villa Mella National Stud in which killed the young Yesenia Genao Del Carmen Martinez 18, Yensi Rosario, 16, Willy Mars Corcoran, 16, Anderson Maverick Lee Corner of 13, Anderson adult López, Manuel Fernando Báez 13, Kensin Primitive Saints 13, and Michael Veras of God, 14.
En el trágico accidente resultaron gravemente heridos los adolescentes  Rigo Fernando González de 15 y Joan Manuel González de 18 años.

The driver Ramírez Vargas, who is seen in a video been drinking, left the scene of the crash in clear violation of the law 241 on traffic, so it is activated their search in the entire country.

What Is The Clear Blister In My Mouth

Call to declare a state of emergency to the Sabana Mar

Sabana de la Mar - The stool and sewage are falling directly to the sea Acapulco beach, creating an environmental mess in the community of some 22 thousand inhabitants.

The health system in the coastal town of Sabana de la Mar began construction in 1995 during the government of Joaquin Balaguer, but despite 16 years having elapsed, the pipes were never connected to drop off in the pools, so its inhabitants are connected to the system.

The stench that permeates the Acapulco beach, located at the extreme east, right next to the pier or dock, seaside town that was forgotten, is unbearable and has forced fishermen boats have moved away to more distant locations for not die intoxicated.

More than 2 000 houses have been connected to the health system is discharging into a canal that faces the beach Acapulco, where pollution is palpable and the fetid odor away from the place of humans. Pest

mosquitoes and cockroaches are observed along the coast south of Acapulco beach, but the authorities of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources to intervene to deal with the situation which may lead to the emergence of diseases with unpredictable consequences for the municipality .

The channel also are launched all types of solid and liquid waste, creating a blackish aspect which sucks, as

Journalists noted that some bathrooms small hotels and houses discharging into the channel crossing from west to east the town of Sabana de la Mar, whose streets are deteriorating.

in Sabana de la Mar, also have a large breeding pigs in the village, whose feces and urine end up in the canal leading to the Acapulco beach.

When it rains, many records and bowling overflow fecal Boyan through the streets, creating a disgusting picture.

At four ponds or pools that were built for depositing human waste in the Western part, on municipal land, were never installed the pipes, so that their channels were launched tilapia, shrimp and Hicoteas that are now taken for sabanalamarinos eat.

Miguel Laureano, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment in Hato Mayor province, said the problem of the health system of Sabana de la Mar is resolved as the Hato Mayor with less than five million pesos.

recognized the gravity which means that human feces are falling directly on the shores of Sabana de la Mar, because it can cause fatal damage to human health.

said that as an institution have reported the severity of the situation at the National Institute of Water and Sewer (INAP) and the authorities of the province, but have not found answers that could spoil the solution of the problem.

The priest

Alejandro de la Cruz, pastor of the church of Our Lady of Pilar, has launched a public campaign through homilies, to claim the Inapa solve the health problem of Sabana de la Mar, before they are unleashed outbreaks epidemic of incalculable consequences which end with the deaths and of children and adults at the high level of pollution around the city.

understand the Catholic priest, "the government must now come to the aid of this forgotten town, now stinks of shit, no one hurt what is happening."

"The picture is depressing, disgusting, someone has to let you know Leonel Fernandez que Sabana de la Mar hiede, que podemos quedar todos tuberculizados por los fétidos olores que emanan de los registros y el canal que cae al mar con las heces fecales", manifestó.

Reiteró que lo que está pasando en el municipio costero no es un invento, es una realidad que nos puede llevar a la muerte y que tienen que enfrentar las autoridades del Inapa.

El prelado católico, dijo estar dispuesto a encabezar protestas a la calle si las autoridades no vienen a resolver el problema sanitario, que afecta a miles de ciudadanos en el municipio, perteneciente a la provincia Hato Mayor.

Denunció que ese pueblo adolece de todos, "no hay agua y tenemos acueducto; las calles son un solo cráter and dust during the dry season and mud in rainy weather, while drugs rob us every day dozens of young people and adolescents, the nights are mouths of lions, for the gathering dusk, because there is no light, while theft is a constant ".


Aura Saldaña and Venancio Trinidad, mayor and alderman of the City Council of Sabana de la Mar, to deplore the situation demanded the government declare a state of emergency in the municipality and provide for the completion of the plant treatment to avoid environmental damage in coastal and neighborhoods of the town, founded around 1756 by Diego de Lira.

The mayor said he spent four years and repeated the charge, asking the government "that is my government to come to the aid of Sabana de la Mar, to prevent people from dying at the high pollution caused by overflow of the health system in the city."

He said he leads a movement for political respect the president, but that the emergency situation that exists in the municipality is for the people to be on the street.

Venancio de la Cruz (Tete), regent to the Chapter in the municipality, said the road, the streets, lack of water, sewer and hunger are destroying the lives of sabanalamarinos, a town where all world is a fisherman, because there are no other sources of employment.

He accused the government of Leonel Fernandez to anesthetize Sabana de la Mar, "because silence and inaction is what has plunged this county, who left to fight for a food ration card and solidarity, while exposed to die for pollution caused by the tearing of sewage on the streets. "

explained that the health system has been installed a lot of people without being completed, which represents a serious health problem for residents of Sabana de la Mar, which they see as the provincial authorities do not manage the solution to the problem which may lead to evil worse than the cure, which is several billion dollars.

said that the stool Fecal are going to stop a channel and then the beach of the town, causing foul odors.

What Is Hollywood Waxing

Fukushima and is like Chernobyl, Greenpeace

A possible break in the reactor 3 of the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis escalated again yesterday, two weeks after the earthquake and tsunami that struck the Northeast. which so far has left over 10 people dead and 17 000 500 missing. Evidence suggests that radioactive contamination could be worse than initially thought, a contamination of underground aquifers would be the most likely outcome.
Nuclear Safety Agency of Japan reported today, Saturday, has been detected concentration of radioactive iodine 250 thousand times the legal limit in marine waters near the nuclear plant in Fukushima.
Despite working 24 hours to prevent egregious nuclear accident, the Japanese government can not control the situation on the ground, where the presence of radioactive water stopped in the last hours of effort.
According to a report released yesterday by Greenpeace Germany, the accident in Fukushima already released an amount of radioactivity that should be classified as level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), the same as Chernobyl.
Based on data released by the Bureau of Radiation Protection of the French government (IRSN) y del Instituto Central de Meteorología y Geodinámica (ZAMG) de Austria, el científico Helmut Hirsch concluyó en un análisis para Greenpeace Alemania que la cantidad total de radionucleidos de yodo-131 y cesio-137 liberados desde el inicio del accidente, con el terremoto del 11 de marzo, y hasta el 23 de marzo, son evidencia suficiente para reclasificar Fukushima al mismo nivel que el accidente nuclear de Chernobil. Pero a diferencia de Chernobil, en abril de 1986, donde falló uno de los reactores, Fukushima sufrió daños en cuatro reactores.
El agua radiactiva del bloque 1 de la planta atómica de Fukushima contiene altas cantidades de cesio-137, el mismo elemento que contaminó en grandes cantidades el environment after the disaster at Chernobyl, admitted on Saturday the Japanese nuclear agency.
The government is doing everything in their power to address the crisis, said the Prime Minister, Naoto Kan in Tokyo. However, he added, the outlook remains "very serious." "We are not yet in a position where we can be optimistic." The situation is particularly dramatic in reactors 1, 2 and 3. Since the beginning of the crisis have been contaminated with radiation 17 workers.
The government urged to leave tens of thousands of people living an area located about 20-30 kilometers from the hotel concerned, but insisted that no was expanding the evacuation zone. The authorities want to treat victims of radiation in a decentralized manner. From a total of 100 victims of intense radiation, patients will be distributed in various clinics.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, found that many preparations are needed before engineers can investigate and eventually seal the leak. It is assumed that radioactivity is leaking containers of units 1, 2 and 3. UN calls for greater security

Highlighting the growing international concern about nuclear energy generated by the accident in northeastern Japan, United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, said it was time to ensure a global nuclear safety regime. Fear spread radioactive contamination after finding contaminated vegetables and water in areas near the central and Tokyo. The authorities found radioactive cesium above the limits allowed in a vegetable called komatsuna that was cultivated in Edogawa, Tokyo.
South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, USA and Hong Kong have restricted imports of food in the area. Other countries are undergoing X ray Japanese food shipments.
The radiation released by the central Fukushima could turn the world into two or three weeks, informed the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Test Ban Organization (CTBTO). In the coming days Fukushima pollution from Europe and reach a margin of two to three weeks will have traveled much of the planet, but has no adverse health effects, according to the CTBTO.

Cathouse Isabella Seprano

Chayanne, Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez in the Dominican Republic are already

singer Chayanne and Dominican soil is like Marc Anthony, who came with his wife Jennifer Lopez, everyone arrived on Friday night for the show this Saturday at Estadio Quisqueya.
The first to reach the country La Isabela International Airport, Dr. Joaquin Balaguer (El Higüero) was Marc Anthony was accompanied by his beaming wife, Jennifer Lopez, who uses every free moment not to leave her husband alone.

The couple who arrived in his private jet was comfortable and affordable with the press. They highlighted that it would leave the country Saturday after the concert, because it brought their twins Max and Emme. Tonight also

Dominican ground floor and in his private jet the handsome and sympathetic Chayanne, who spoke about their participation in the concert.

The Puerto Rican artist also spoke of his new album and upcoming projects.

Aunque no está muy claro si Jennifer cantará con Marc o si este último hará un dúo con Chayanne durante el concierto hay grandes expectativas y mientras tanto estas estrellas vienen un gran espectáculo.

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Fraud "? ... The girl who "died" on Thursday and according to "resurrect" the Sabbath! Gasoline Fuels Rise

Curiosos observan jovencita que dijo iba a morir y resucitaría el sábado está viva

Por: Benny Rodríguez.Polo, Barahona.- La noticia de que una menor de 16 años había muerto la mañana de este jueves y resucitaría a la misma hora de este sábado ha convocado a decenas de personas de comunidades cercanas que se avecinan hasta una iglesia Gospel of the municipality, allegedly, to observe his body.

However, the girl is alive, has all its movement, although not open your eyes, but this Saturday at eleven o'clock, when you have 48 hours of being in deep sleep, Medrano Joa Suarez 16, wake up and everything is back to normal.

The church hall is filled with children, adolescents and adults who watch non-stop to the youngest, whose viewers meet his parents, Gerardo Suárez Urbáez Medrano and Ramona, who firmly believe that this is an act of God fact that his daughter has fallen in these conditions.

El pastor de la iglesia Pórtico 7, Cristo Viene Pronto, Reyes Báez, luce con muchas contradicciones al acceder a conversar con este reportero, por un lado establece que se trata de un sueño profundo inducido por Dios, por el otro establece que la menor tenía poco tiempo en la iglesia y no estaba acostumbrada al ayuno.

En las afueras de la congregación y en las calles de este municipio el comentario es este acontecimiento que para muchos se trata del fin del mundo, como predica el pastor a los presentes en la iglesia y para otros es, sencillamente, una señal desde el Altísimo para que el hombre se arrepienta de sus pecados y se convierta a Dios.

Sus padres, Gerardo Medrano y Ramona Suárez Urbáez, said it is a real action in which his daughter has been chosen to carry a message to the world that they must repent of your sins, so that they, who are not in any church, visited the house of the Lord.

"She spoke with me and the pastor that God had told him he would die on Thursday at eleven o'clock and live again on Saturday at the same time, but I thought it was not serious and did not put case and, indeed, the same day she told us that, at the same time established by it went into a deep sleep, "he told the mother.

A church
ha acudido el fiscalizador del municipio a indagar sobre el caso, pero cuando fuimos por sus oficinas nos comunicaron que no se encontraba, así como un médico del hospital municipal, pero la facultativa que acudió no pudo chequearla, debido a que el pastor le dijo que nadie podía tocar a la menor.

La doctora Báez, dijo que todos los signos vitales de Joa Medrano Suárez están bien, debido a los movimientos que esta hace, pero el doctor Freddy Alba, director del centro de salud, esto no es más que una manipulación del pastor Reyes Báez a la menor y a sus familiares.

De todas maneras cualquier persona puede pasar de 24 a 48 horas sin ingerir alimentos sólidos y líquidos, pero el pastor of the church, told this reporter that I could not explain it the less you can talk or not on Saturday at eleven o'clock, time to have foreseen this awakening. History

Joa Suarez, 16, is only about two months in the church porch Christ is coming soon, because he had received a revelation from God that he would die and rise again, but did not enter the church in sleep and not wake him, so he decides to be part of it.

His dream God told her parents, and the pastor of the church Reyes Baez He advises those who do not believe in "the Son of Man" to begin to believe in him to forgive your sins. Cree

that events in Haiti a year ago, followed by the cholera plague, earthquake and tsunami in Chile and Japan, are a sign that the coming of Jesus Christ to earth nearby.