The two types of gasoline increased RD $ 4.60 and RD $ 3.80, to sit on the market and RD $ 204.70 RD $ 193.60, respectively.
Santo Domingo .- The Ministry of Industry and Trade has increased since Saturday the prices of all fuels. Primium gsolina gallon of Regular and increased RD $ 4.60 and RD $ 3.80, respectively, for placing on the market and RD $ 204.70 RD $ 193.60.
Regular diesel will cost RD $ 178.00 per gallon and the premium rate will expand to RD $ 183.30, an increase of RD $ 3.70. in each case.
avtur per gallon will cost RD $ 153.08, an increase of RD $ 3.00. Kerosene will be detailed to the RD $ 173.50 per gallon lo que representa un aumento de RD$3.30, mientras que el galón de Fuel oíl mantendrá el mismo precio y costará RD$126.66.
El Gas Licuado de Petróleo costará RD$98.91 por galón, para un aumento de RD$2.15. Finalmente, el Gas Natural (GNL – GNC), el MIC informa se venderá a RD$20.03 por metros cúbicos.
La tasa de cambio promediada fue de RD$37.90, según informaciones del Banco Central de la República Dominicana.
El MIC explica en su boletín de sete Friday fuels increased during the week of 26 April the first day due to market instability caused by the intensified fighting in Libya who have placed a barrel of oil above $ 105.
explains that traders remain concerned about the tension in the Arab world and its possible impact on crude oil supply worldwide.
"The fighting is still happening in Libya and the events that occur in other Arab countries, increase the cost of risk that is included in the price of oil" indica la Dirección de Comunicaciones del MIC citando a los analistas del Commerzbank.
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