Saturday, March 26, 2011

Customize Mercurial Shoes

MÁLAGA The City will not negotiate until the Development Benítez resign as compensation. (SUR)

Mayor calls for a new deal at the Ministry remove any consideration for the ground lease for the park
03/26/1911 - 1:44

ANTONIO ORTIN / E. PRESS Benítez. The government team requires a new agreement in which the transfer of land to the city for the construction of a park is made other compensations of any kind, such as those included in the ministry sent the draft on Wednesday Consistory: rated building rights 76 million euros. The department led by José Blanco tried to disable 'in extremis' municipal rejection at this point proposing a postponement. In particular, Development proposed on Thursday that the agreement to be signed and the park so that they can start work and leave for later negotiations on trade-offs. The mayor, who already called it a "joke of the city" insisted yesterday through municipal sources that the City will not accept counterparts and that, at least, Development should remove the requirement for compensation to start talking. Maintenance

No is the only point of friction between the two administrations, who have different criteria on who is responsible for the operation and maintenance of future green area of \u200b\u200b28 hectares. Development is the City Council understands that he must assume as the ruler wields it should be classified as metropolitan and, therefore, would be the Board who should care.

referred to this controversy Yesterday also the president of the PP in Málaga, Elijah Bendodo who told Europa Press, demanded that the PSOE to "comply" with the commitment to build the park. Bendodo accused the Socialists of "begrudge money to Malaga, calling now 76 million for a facility where only going to invest eight million." "What can not be done is that the Development Minister, José Blanco, tell us unconcerned that he will make the park, and several months later come to an agreement in which they ask the City 76 million euros' criticized the popular leader of the local people. At the time, considered that the Andalusian government delegate Málaga, María Gámez, you should stop defending the socialist centralism and bet more for their city. "You can not look away and let the Malaga pay for land that should be theirs," he added.

In his view, the PSOE is "more focused on satisfying the interests of the Andalusian PSOE de Málaga, a city which for them is not a priority." For its part, the national deputy Celia Villalobos PP directed his criticism of the Ministry of Development for wanting to make "the deal of the century" with the park in the camp Benitez, "and that includes, along with the regional government, an investment of 8 million , and ask the people of Malaga in exchange for 76 million euros. " Villalobos
supported the "logic indignation" of the mayor and that Gamez scored unpresentable "has given its approval to that agreement." "Fortunately it's not going to be mayor of Malaga," he added. The popular MP also spoke to White "lie" after saying that the Mediterranean railway corridor running from the French border to Cadiz "in Barcelona and then to say it's only going to get to Almería."


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