Sunday, March 27, 2011

Generator Für Tattoos

MALAGA. Announce a new host Heritage in the Convent of the Trinity. (ELMUNDO)

El consejero andaluz de Cultura, Paulino Plata. |

Andalusian Cultural Councilor, Paulino Plata.

bring reading to children

"They will live both projects", he told Efe Plata, who explained that the rehabilitation of the cloister has a budget

3.5 million euros, and that the goal is not to worsen the damage. Speaking

, Silver has defended the "culture as a right for all", and has opted to "make it very visible that culture is an engine of the economy."

has also advocated

take the "singularity" heritage and artistic production of Andalusia to project the region from a cultural standpoint, after what has been referred to the Hispano-Moorish legacy, ties with Latin and flamenco "great ambassador."

In this regard, the Minister said that the Ministry is working on creating Flamenco White Paper, an instrument designed to help planning Strategic. Silver

also alluded to the commitment of his department to increase readership ,

that "it must be the commitment of all", and start from the family, noted, recalling that the read rate in the region is 4.4 points below the national average due to "historical reasons".

Córdoba, Cultural Capital

On the other hand, regarding the candidacy of Cordoba as Cultural Capital in 2016, the Minister asserted that the city has "all options" to become the chosen one, and has held that

the approach developed is "very powerful."

"We want to be the Draft 8.4 million Andalusians, "said Silver, who has unveiled a perspective that includes" interesting and novel "with a " component of today, "

that is how you can contribute from Andalusia to the processes taking place in Arab countries.

Plata has been presented at the forum by former Board Chairman Rafael Escudero, who has defined Plata as an "entrepreneur" and praised his character that allows you to "always look life from the optimism. "


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