Saturday, March 26, 2011

What Is The Clear Blister In My Mouth

Call to declare a state of emergency to the Sabana Mar

Sabana de la Mar - The stool and sewage are falling directly to the sea Acapulco beach, creating an environmental mess in the community of some 22 thousand inhabitants.

The health system in the coastal town of Sabana de la Mar began construction in 1995 during the government of Joaquin Balaguer, but despite 16 years having elapsed, the pipes were never connected to drop off in the pools, so its inhabitants are connected to the system.

The stench that permeates the Acapulco beach, located at the extreme east, right next to the pier or dock, seaside town that was forgotten, is unbearable and has forced fishermen boats have moved away to more distant locations for not die intoxicated.

More than 2 000 houses have been connected to the health system is discharging into a canal that faces the beach Acapulco, where pollution is palpable and the fetid odor away from the place of humans. Pest

mosquitoes and cockroaches are observed along the coast south of Acapulco beach, but the authorities of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources to intervene to deal with the situation which may lead to the emergence of diseases with unpredictable consequences for the municipality .

The channel also are launched all types of solid and liquid waste, creating a blackish aspect which sucks, as

Journalists noted that some bathrooms small hotels and houses discharging into the channel crossing from west to east the town of Sabana de la Mar, whose streets are deteriorating.

in Sabana de la Mar, also have a large breeding pigs in the village, whose feces and urine end up in the canal leading to the Acapulco beach.

When it rains, many records and bowling overflow fecal Boyan through the streets, creating a disgusting picture.

At four ponds or pools that were built for depositing human waste in the Western part, on municipal land, were never installed the pipes, so that their channels were launched tilapia, shrimp and Hicoteas that are now taken for sabanalamarinos eat.

Miguel Laureano, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment in Hato Mayor province, said the problem of the health system of Sabana de la Mar is resolved as the Hato Mayor with less than five million pesos.

recognized the gravity which means that human feces are falling directly on the shores of Sabana de la Mar, because it can cause fatal damage to human health.

said that as an institution have reported the severity of the situation at the National Institute of Water and Sewer (INAP) and the authorities of the province, but have not found answers that could spoil the solution of the problem.

The priest

Alejandro de la Cruz, pastor of the church of Our Lady of Pilar, has launched a public campaign through homilies, to claim the Inapa solve the health problem of Sabana de la Mar, before they are unleashed outbreaks epidemic of incalculable consequences which end with the deaths and of children and adults at the high level of pollution around the city.

understand the Catholic priest, "the government must now come to the aid of this forgotten town, now stinks of shit, no one hurt what is happening."

"The picture is depressing, disgusting, someone has to let you know Leonel Fernandez que Sabana de la Mar hiede, que podemos quedar todos tuberculizados por los fétidos olores que emanan de los registros y el canal que cae al mar con las heces fecales", manifestó.

Reiteró que lo que está pasando en el municipio costero no es un invento, es una realidad que nos puede llevar a la muerte y que tienen que enfrentar las autoridades del Inapa.

El prelado católico, dijo estar dispuesto a encabezar protestas a la calle si las autoridades no vienen a resolver el problema sanitario, que afecta a miles de ciudadanos en el municipio, perteneciente a la provincia Hato Mayor.

Denunció que ese pueblo adolece de todos, "no hay agua y tenemos acueducto; las calles son un solo cráter and dust during the dry season and mud in rainy weather, while drugs rob us every day dozens of young people and adolescents, the nights are mouths of lions, for the gathering dusk, because there is no light, while theft is a constant ".


Aura Saldaña and Venancio Trinidad, mayor and alderman of the City Council of Sabana de la Mar, to deplore the situation demanded the government declare a state of emergency in the municipality and provide for the completion of the plant treatment to avoid environmental damage in coastal and neighborhoods of the town, founded around 1756 by Diego de Lira.

The mayor said he spent four years and repeated the charge, asking the government "that is my government to come to the aid of Sabana de la Mar, to prevent people from dying at the high pollution caused by overflow of the health system in the city."

He said he leads a movement for political respect the president, but that the emergency situation that exists in the municipality is for the people to be on the street.

Venancio de la Cruz (Tete), regent to the Chapter in the municipality, said the road, the streets, lack of water, sewer and hunger are destroying the lives of sabanalamarinos, a town where all world is a fisherman, because there are no other sources of employment.

He accused the government of Leonel Fernandez to anesthetize Sabana de la Mar, "because silence and inaction is what has plunged this county, who left to fight for a food ration card and solidarity, while exposed to die for pollution caused by the tearing of sewage on the streets. "

explained that the health system has been installed a lot of people without being completed, which represents a serious health problem for residents of Sabana de la Mar, which they see as the provincial authorities do not manage the solution to the problem which may lead to evil worse than the cure, which is several billion dollars.

said that the stool Fecal are going to stop a channel and then the beach of the town, causing foul odors.


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