Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Fraud "? ... The girl who "died" on Thursday and according to "resurrect" the Sabbath! Gasoline Fuels Rise

Curiosos observan jovencita que dijo iba a morir y resucitaría el sábado está viva

Por: Benny Rodríguez.Polo, Barahona.- La noticia de que una menor de 16 años había muerto la mañana de este jueves y resucitaría a la misma hora de este sábado ha convocado a decenas de personas de comunidades cercanas que se avecinan hasta una iglesia Gospel of the municipality, allegedly, to observe his body.

However, the girl is alive, has all its movement, although not open your eyes, but this Saturday at eleven o'clock, when you have 48 hours of being in deep sleep, Medrano Joa Suarez 16, wake up and everything is back to normal.

The church hall is filled with children, adolescents and adults who watch non-stop to the youngest, whose viewers meet his parents, Gerardo Suárez Urbáez Medrano and Ramona, who firmly believe that this is an act of God fact that his daughter has fallen in these conditions.

El pastor de la iglesia Pórtico 7, Cristo Viene Pronto, Reyes Báez, luce con muchas contradicciones al acceder a conversar con este reportero, por un lado establece que se trata de un sueño profundo inducido por Dios, por el otro establece que la menor tenía poco tiempo en la iglesia y no estaba acostumbrada al ayuno.

En las afueras de la congregación y en las calles de este municipio el comentario es este acontecimiento que para muchos se trata del fin del mundo, como predica el pastor a los presentes en la iglesia y para otros es, sencillamente, una señal desde el Altísimo para que el hombre se arrepienta de sus pecados y se convierta a Dios.

Sus padres, Gerardo Medrano y Ramona Suárez Urbáez, said it is a real action in which his daughter has been chosen to carry a message to the world that they must repent of your sins, so that they, who are not in any church, visited the house of the Lord.

"She spoke with me and the pastor that God had told him he would die on Thursday at eleven o'clock and live again on Saturday at the same time, but I thought it was not serious and did not put case and, indeed, the same day she told us that, at the same time established by it went into a deep sleep, "he told the mother.

A church
ha acudido el fiscalizador del municipio a indagar sobre el caso, pero cuando fuimos por sus oficinas nos comunicaron que no se encontraba, así como un médico del hospital municipal, pero la facultativa que acudió no pudo chequearla, debido a que el pastor le dijo que nadie podía tocar a la menor.

La doctora Báez, dijo que todos los signos vitales de Joa Medrano Suárez están bien, debido a los movimientos que esta hace, pero el doctor Freddy Alba, director del centro de salud, esto no es más que una manipulación del pastor Reyes Báez a la menor y a sus familiares.

De todas maneras cualquier persona puede pasar de 24 a 48 horas sin ingerir alimentos sólidos y líquidos, pero el pastor of the church, told this reporter that I could not explain it the less you can talk or not on Saturday at eleven o'clock, time to have foreseen this awakening. History

Joa Suarez, 16, is only about two months in the church porch Christ is coming soon, because he had received a revelation from God that he would die and rise again, but did not enter the church in sleep and not wake him, so he decides to be part of it.

His dream God told her parents, and the pastor of the church Reyes Baez He advises those who do not believe in "the Son of Man" to begin to believe in him to forgive your sins. Cree

that events in Haiti a year ago, followed by the cholera plague, earthquake and tsunami in Chile and Japan, are a sign that the coming of Jesus Christ to earth nearby.


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