society The Foundation has already received eight different ideas from citizens about possible future uses for the river channel.
This image is included in the draft Luis Martín Martínez, civil engineer who presented his proposal to adapt the channel to the Foundation society on 21 February 2011, even before that the mailbox was enabled to contribute ideas on the website. The engineer seeks to create a riverside park to keep a constant stream into a central channel, while the sides are maintained for public use, with bike lanes and walkways, encouraging called riparian vegetation.
MIGUEL Ferrary The project to reshape the course of Guadalmedina is the great challenge facing the city over the next decade. After years of fruitless discussions and various projects, from beginning to emerge from the 70's, ciety Foundation has already directed the efforts of government to a contest of ideas that will shape the future of this space.
However, as important as expert opinion, the proposals are public. Malaga eight have submitted their proposals on the runway in the week which has been running the web that the Foundation has opened to inform society of this project.
The opportunity to submit their own proposals is open from Monday, starting with two that had been submitted prior to society, one in 2007 and again in February this year. To them have joined six others in less than a week.
approaches are very different but for now there is a majority of ideas who prefer the open channel, for use as a park and a constant flow of water. However, there are three Malaga who bet on the river cover at its urban and use this space to divert traffic, promote public transport and make room for the pedestrian.
approaches in any case, try complete technical projects. Collected over the philosophy of the proposal and wishes of Malaga that reflect on the future of river.
The origin of the proposals are different and behind them are in professions as diverse as school teacher, an economist, an engineer, a naval captain, an ecologist and an entity recreational dedicated to the Seine.
Two groups
The two main groups that have been created are defined by their attitude towards the vaulting. Five of the eight proposals prefer an open solution, while three want to bury the channel. The concrete result of each approach is subject to nuanced differences, agreeing on the point of view the channel as a covered or open.
The five defenders to keep the channel also agree on the importance of water as the backbone of the space. Either with a central canal continuous flow or a cascade system, in all cases insist on his presence, recalling his role as a river.
On the one hand, Luis Martín, Juan Antonio Campos and the Association of Friends of the Barca de Seine believe there is a suitable constant flow that is combined with public uses on the sides, with parks, trees, bike lanes , sitting areas, along the way and riparian vegetation, adapted to the usual in rivers.
proposals Carlos Sevilla-Gutierrez and Marcelino de Leon seeking a greater presence of water. The first style of other urban rivers of Europe, which can be navigable or recreational berth houseboats. The second, however, committed water as a decorative element, covering the river bed.
The approach of those who bet on the vaulting is to use different heights of the channel to output the north-south traffic with different solutions, and combine with reserved spaces for pedestrians.
In all three cases, insists that the channel remains in the bottom as to possible avenues overflow of water, even digging in to take over deep.
The end result of the betting is different in the three cases. On the one hand, Enrique Larrubia defends a solution with three levels. The lower output would be reserved as water, situated in the middle, and also covered, as a large car park to allow different types of systems-rotation or sale of seats, according to each neighborhood and its needs. The third level would be a park and pedestrian area, with a central tram.
Juan Antonio Campoy also defends the vaulting as an opportunity to divert traffic from the north-south runway and the east-west through the grinds of Heredia. In this way we could pedestrianise Alameda and take the pedestrian area.
A similar perspective is that of Agustín Sáez Vallejo, who conceived the underground river as a major thoroughfare with several lanes, to free the area for public use and the sides are like a mall lined to reduce the impact of the construction of the urban motorway.
These eight proposals, however, are only the first received and is expected to increase in coming weeks.
Marcelino de Leon
merchant marine captain
'Making various dams and water of the sea to carry as near the dam "
This proposal was submitted in 2007, is committed to a channel with water through a system of walls, dams fed by sea water pumped to the prey high and overflow, go from one to another in a cascade. Suggests that these walls are made under the bridges so they do not see.
Luis Martín Martínez
public works engineer
"Restoring the river resembling the path to its natural structure"
Luis Martin proposes to maintain the present river, with a proposed action on the last mile in which bid to create an urban park 50,000 square meters with a bicycle, pedestrian walkways, a continuous flow of water, riparian vegetation and LED lighting throughout the park.
John A. Centeno Campoy
"Let us be brave and undertake the reforms needed to promote change"
consider that the channel can be used to divert north-south traffic through the vaulted space, except in the mouth. In addition, the connection East-West would be by the Muelle de Heredia, drawing pedestrianise the Alameda Park. The mouth is left as a recreation area.
Juan Antonio Campos Palomo
"The ideal is to make the park on the sides and leave the center channel "
Cree necessary to reserve the channel like a river, with its own ecosystem to be protected, as the colony of bee-eater that is along the IES Sierra Bermeja. Is against the vaulting and commitment by a large park in north-south, planting trees and sitting areas, and reserving a minimum flow.
Enrique Larrubia
not specified
"Soterraríamos the runway to a parking lot and a large park on it"
bury Betting the river, leaving a first vault as a channel to collect rain or possible flooding. Above him, a large parking all along the river, with areas of rotation and for sale. Parking on the park will be built, with a tram in the center, connecting the Center to La Conception.
Friends of the Boat of Seine
"The vaulting of the river is an impersonal solution, put it in value"
The association believes that it must act sections in the channel, but always in a manner consistent with the existence of water and public use. It considers that there should be a riverside park with greenery and a sheet of water regulated by the dam, with pedestrian walkways on the side. Rejects the vaulting.
Vallejo Agustín Sáez
Institute Professor
"Joining multiple channel applications and integrate them into the city"
The teacher proposes to dig a channel for river to avoid possible flooding. On this performance it would conduct an underground north-south avenue of multiple lanes in both directions. On it would use an area of \u200b\u200bcitizen bike lane and a drainage system to collect rainwater.
Carlos M. Sevilla-Gutiérrez
not specified
"A river with enough water to make a river park and pier"
defends a solution contrary to the vaulting and closer to the river park model with a pier. Gives the example of European capitals, where the river is part of the life of the city and is used as a must. It considers that an avenue of trees on each side would be a good shot.
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