The National Association of Owners and Managers and Parking Garages (ANPAGE) informs the public in general that given that she has broken the balance between operating costs and parking fees, has requested to meet with the Ministry of Commerce and the Vice President's Office as a matter of urgency, to raise on the basis of the financial report submitted to the regulated tariff adjustment since December 2005. This sector can not continue to serve and absorb the costs of six years of inflation accumulated on the basis of the rate BsF 1 + VAT per hour (this rate was regulated to the historical value of 2001) is an industry need for parking that in order to continue providing the service setting and review the fee annually taking into consideration all those items that impact the service as they are, including: wages and salaries, rent, insurance, security, operational and maintenance costs.
Also the association wants to set position on the Valet Parking service and inform the community that this service is characterized by: A)
reception and delivery of the vehicle at the same point of the establishment.
should be an optional service in shopping centers or clinics, which earmarked the valet parking service area not greater than twenty percent (20% ) parking.
This service should have a policy that covers damage to the vehicle and declared lost by objects left inside it.
Valet Parking service should not be confused with Parquero service traditionally provided by
some facilities to increase capacity of parking spaces, where the vehicle is parked on ramps or hinder other vehicles, and under the same conditions of the accession of parking and garage owner's policy, which covers limited liability on the hull of it. The Association condemns the recovery of a service not rendered or the so-called "Valet Parking", when this does not meet the characteristics herein.
encourage owners and managers of parking garages and successfully meet these guidelines, and reiterate our readiness to assist them in the correct implementation of this service.
Finally, we thank the users to make a complaint with the INDEPABIS, if there is a shopping center or clinic that fails to comply with the provision of valet parking service in terms hereof, or just provides the same exclusive manner (not allow the option of parking stall per hour).
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