Friday, March 25, 2011

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In terms of bad luck and tragedy on 11 exceeds the number 13

Por  Ramón Martínez
en-materia-de-mala-suerte-y-tragedia-el-dia-11-supera-al-numero-13.jpg NUEVA YORK.- El trece bautizado por millones de personas como el número de la mala suerte, mala vibra y de grandes tragedias ha sido desplazado  en el calendario regular por el once (11) .
En los primeros once años del this century, the eleventh day of any month has increasingly become the most tragic, and more concern for most governments, intelligence agencies, promoters of peace, and people are seeing what worse every minute.
Regardless of the month at the regular schedule, the eleventh day has brought many deaths, much grief, pain, fears, and many concerns, difficult to overcome.
that day regardless of the years there have been terrorist attacks, earthquakes, tsunamis, and major accidents, among other things, that in a matter of hours has killed hundreds of thousands of people.
Review the events that have occurred on the eleventh day shiver, lascerante anxiety and fear that wakes from time to time in our lives
and split the inner peace of many people. SEPTEMBER
November 2001 11 September 2001, the March 11, 2004, and March 11, 2011, are hard to erase dates for U.S., English, Japanese, and most of humanity
In those days, there were facts that have changed the actions of governments, the lives of hundreds of millions of people and families who have lived in peace
U.S., Spain and Japan.
Indeed, the recent history of the United States is divided into two: Before and after 2001, the year he took a series of terrorist attacks,
defined as the most spectacular in the modern world.
On September 11, 2001, the Group of Al Qaeda led by Osama Bin Laden, hijacked several aircraft which were flown into the World Trade Center
, better known as the Twin Towers, which were located in central New York, the Pentagon in Virginia and Pennsylvania.
That tragic event caused the death of death of over three thousand people, injured more than six thousand traumas tens of millions of Americans. Also
incalculabres economic losses to the state of New York and the United Estadsos. MARCH

November 2004 The English community, especially those traveling by train to get to their jobs or homes, will never forget that day.
A group of terrorists detonated ten bombs placed in as many strategic points in four major train
causing death, chaos, tension and terror.
According to data from the authorities, that fateful March 11, 2004, the day they were attacked railways killed 191 people,
and 1858 injured.
Since then many English people have not been able to overcome the fear that caused the explosions at an interval of four minutes in the vicinity of
Madrid. MARCH
November 2011
So far this has been the most tragic day that humanity has lived, especially for residents and residents of Japan.
This peaceful country, was beaten mercilessly by a terrible earthquake that surpassed the 9 points on the Richter scale and
devastating tsunami that destroyed the town of Sendai, causing a number of dead as yet undefined by the authorities. We can say that
the time of this report the number of deaths exceeded 18 000. Preliminary
economic losses caused by this tragedy exceeds 235 billion dollars, although some
argue that the death toll and economic destruction is difficult to count.
the death of tens of thousands of people left adds the severe damage at the nuclear plant that is in the area
environment where the ground shook. Today they say that the problems to stop the effects of the gases released
nuclear project lasted more than ten years affecting agricultural production and health of those left alive in most parts of Japan.
January 12 2010
That day marked to Haiti for a before and after. In the afternoon, an earthquake of 7 degrees shivered most of that poor country, everywhere
leaving dead and wounded everywhere, destruction of entire neighborhoods and to complete a picture difficult to erase. This earthquake did not occur
eleven, or thirteen, twelve was observed, both previous and subsequent days of that date can be attributed
membership of this devastating and deadly earthquake.
The figures say that the deaths exceeded 316 000 and more than 350 000 people were injured.
Finally, having a balance can be determined that eleven is the day that has brought more pain to the human race.
You can say that in March, a month when spring begins, a ma belle stations available to the year, is the most tragic
time for living.


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