Saturday, March 26, 2011

What Is Hollywood Waxing

Fukushima and is like Chernobyl, Greenpeace

A possible break in the reactor 3 of the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis escalated again yesterday, two weeks after the earthquake and tsunami that struck the Northeast. which so far has left over 10 people dead and 17 000 500 missing. Evidence suggests that radioactive contamination could be worse than initially thought, a contamination of underground aquifers would be the most likely outcome.
Nuclear Safety Agency of Japan reported today, Saturday, has been detected concentration of radioactive iodine 250 thousand times the legal limit in marine waters near the nuclear plant in Fukushima.
Despite working 24 hours to prevent egregious nuclear accident, the Japanese government can not control the situation on the ground, where the presence of radioactive water stopped in the last hours of effort.
According to a report released yesterday by Greenpeace Germany, the accident in Fukushima already released an amount of radioactivity that should be classified as level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), the same as Chernobyl.
Based on data released by the Bureau of Radiation Protection of the French government (IRSN) y del Instituto Central de Meteorología y Geodinámica (ZAMG) de Austria, el científico Helmut Hirsch concluyó en un análisis para Greenpeace Alemania que la cantidad total de radionucleidos de yodo-131 y cesio-137 liberados desde el inicio del accidente, con el terremoto del 11 de marzo, y hasta el 23 de marzo, son evidencia suficiente para reclasificar Fukushima al mismo nivel que el accidente nuclear de Chernobil. Pero a diferencia de Chernobil, en abril de 1986, donde falló uno de los reactores, Fukushima sufrió daños en cuatro reactores.
El agua radiactiva del bloque 1 de la planta atómica de Fukushima contiene altas cantidades de cesio-137, el mismo elemento que contaminó en grandes cantidades el environment after the disaster at Chernobyl, admitted on Saturday the Japanese nuclear agency.
The government is doing everything in their power to address the crisis, said the Prime Minister, Naoto Kan in Tokyo. However, he added, the outlook remains "very serious." "We are not yet in a position where we can be optimistic." The situation is particularly dramatic in reactors 1, 2 and 3. Since the beginning of the crisis have been contaminated with radiation 17 workers.
The government urged to leave tens of thousands of people living an area located about 20-30 kilometers from the hotel concerned, but insisted that no was expanding the evacuation zone. The authorities want to treat victims of radiation in a decentralized manner. From a total of 100 victims of intense radiation, patients will be distributed in various clinics.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, found that many preparations are needed before engineers can investigate and eventually seal the leak. It is assumed that radioactivity is leaking containers of units 1, 2 and 3. UN calls for greater security

Highlighting the growing international concern about nuclear energy generated by the accident in northeastern Japan, United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, said it was time to ensure a global nuclear safety regime. Fear spread radioactive contamination after finding contaminated vegetables and water in areas near the central and Tokyo. The authorities found radioactive cesium above the limits allowed in a vegetable called komatsuna that was cultivated in Edogawa, Tokyo.
South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, USA and Hong Kong have restricted imports of food in the area. Other countries are undergoing X ray Japanese food shipments.
The radiation released by the central Fukushima could turn the world into two or three weeks, informed the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Test Ban Organization (CTBTO). In the coming days Fukushima pollution from Europe and reach a margin of two to three weeks will have traveled much of the planet, but has no adverse health effects, according to the CTBTO.


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