Friday, March 25, 2011

Furnace Will Not Ignite

notice did not alter recovery service valet parking

25 Mar 2011
The regulation of tariffs announced by Indepabis valet parking, Institute for the Defense of People's Access to Goods and Services still can not be seen in Los Palos Grandes. Joel Garcia, manager of parking vehicles, assuming that the regulation of this service may threaten their jobs. "We do not know what will happen. If lower costs to mobilize and store cars, we would have less income, because that helps keep the parking lots," he said. Until yesterday were charging 5 Bs for jobs. concern extends Altamira. Alberto Henríquez, who works in the adjacent parking at St. Honoré Bakery, believes that the regulation could lead to significant reductions in income. "We get paid the same, although some people leave tips that save. However, set prices can affect the owners." Carlos Ayala, president of Anpage, Owners and Managers Association of Garages and Parking, sees no grounds for anxiety. "All will continue with their jobs. What really was decided to monitor prices Indepabis and prohibit compulsory service garages. That does not mean it will be deleted or may be charged in parking lots for valet parking" explained. The operation parking control of the Caracas Metropolitan Area, announced by Indepabis seeks to avoid scams, according to Ayala. valet parking rates are varied in Caracas. The cost in shopping centers and between 10 and 60 Bs. However, in the parking lots of office buildings where they operate usually 2 or 5 bolivars charged for the service. "This is not detrimental to the owners of parking lots or users. It tries to avoid the scam, because sometimes some people take advantage," said Ayala. The valet parking was established to take advantage of double spaces in some parking garages Caracas. Juan Pinto, who works in a parking lot in Los Ruices, explains how damaging to park cars without dwell time. "There are cars that last up to days and others removed the alternative positions. So I think the valet parking has to continue compulsory in parking lots."
Informed. The owners Guild Indepabis parking and evaluate the implementation of an information campaign about the service. "Many people do not know what the valet parking. Ideally, the user could know the service and demand their rights. Therefore, we studied release through various media useful information," said Ayala. There are no tentative date to launch the project.
owners parking in two weeks hoping to revisit the issue with the Indepabis. C3
% B3-charge-of-service-de-valet-parking


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