Friday, March 25, 2011

Cheat The Property And Casualty Test

A Christian pastor ... practically demon called Ricky Martin.

In a message deleted when it began to receive many comments of rejection, the Rev. Wanda Rolon practically demon called Puerto Rican star Ricky Martin, whom he identified as an ambassador of hell.

Why do you censure and say Ricky Martin is gay?
It has brought more division than anything else.
Are not heterosexuals who treat gays?
They have been isolating themselves. God made man and woman and gave us free will.
But is that Ricky Martin is a man.
I can not condemn. I'm not saying I support it but at this moment, is giving both color. With these events is how you want the whole world belongs to the gay community. It's like being straight is a sin. And go with who is gay. It saddens me because how to explain to the children?
How would you explain it?
why I have not airing it. When I see a child (with some tendency gay), working with parents, with the child.

Do you get gay people in your church?
get people (men) to dress like a woman, but they preach the word without hate, without separatist spirit. I ask God to seek to cease to be adulterers, fornicators, liars.
But you would not believe it possible to believe in God and be gay? Is that inconsistent?
If you are in Christ, new creation.
But Ricky Martin is a spiritual person.
Yes, he is very sensitive. My only concern is that children have a morning one who thinks this is right.
Why that's wrong?
Because it is not common. Our society is not accustomed. Is like trying to choke (homosexuality).
Rolon and again pointed out that gay people should reserve their lifestyle to the privacy of your home, without witnesses. For her, saying so is "like a promotion."
"When he made it public either. But, do not follow every day, "he said, as if being gay could be said only once.
As a fatalistic prediction, the pastor said that "eventually this will have consequences."
already we are going to see. And begin to see.
The lack of values \u200b\u200bwe're seeing. All this lack of respect, evil.
Did you know that there have been killings, homophobia?
And look at the problems against children. Are being raped, they're sodomizing.
And what does that have to do with homosexuals? Did you know that most pedophiles are heterosexual?
Nor can we impose. That will accept him and his family. I do not. Did
is condemning?
God's word condemns. When they say they will not enter (the kingdom of heaven) drunkards, adulterers. I did not write.
Indeed, attributing to God the prejudice that some people can express religious denoted as Episcopal Bishop David Alvarez, "lack of Christian maturity."
"I'm surprised he did not hesitate to get into politics to help a candidate, looking for God knows what, and now it this way so derogatory. If I were to use the Bible literally, I can show to God does not exist, "said the bishop.

Rolon, who like the use of Rolex watches, became famous when he came out to support former Gov. Pedro Rosselló.La self-proclaimed apostle tried to retract when it eliminated its Facebook expressions and replaced with comments that basically said the same thing but without the initial MRI.
"EVER AND PROMOTED THE HATE, BUT THE LOVE OF CHRIST. As he is no respecter of persons when to forgive. It is these groups who have different names. God only call them man and wife for so created "hung Rolon, with errors including, as a second status in his official Facebook page.
When contacted, the pastor tried to "clarify" its position contradictory expressions.
early source


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